Part 1. In Retrospect - October 2021
Part 2. The Spartan Theory - April 2011
Part 3. The Sienna Project
Part 4. The New 21st Century Experience Economy
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Almost 12 years have passed since I originally wrote this, its presentation lacks the professionalism of more recent writing and makes claims on software that at the time were ideas for software. When we come to New Sparta - City of Science prices for inclusion of that project increase as the paper develops. Plus, a myriad of other things, I would not write about now.
I would like to rewrite this paper addressing these points, but that is not a priority because if you want to see such a paper, just look at the work on (login required), because that is the rewriting of this paper over close to 12 years.
Over the years I came to present this paper and the rest of the original website in the spirit of physicist George Gamow, who used to write and write theory after theory without the worry of correctness, and of what he writes some ideas were exceptional and led to testable results. For example, The Big Bang Theory was one of his crazy ideas that others perfected and is now common knowledge, even if to some it is just the name of a sitcom.
For all its errors, one can clearly see that the work today The 10 Technologies owes everything to this original paper, indeed only in re-reading it did I see just how many ideas have led to the 2021 design. All but 1 of the 10 Technologies appear in this paper, I shall name them when seen, the only exception being technology 6, S-World UCS, which if we remember introduced quantum mechanics and created the environment for RES a year later in the final chapter of American Butterfly book 1.The Theory of Every Business, Chapter 8. S-World UCS.
Lastly, for now, I shall point out one of the main reasons I returned to this paper. Watch out - this is spiritual, which I define as a strong belief in something that cannot be proved, a belief in God, or at the least, an advanced being or beings in some other galaxy or universe controlling things, maybe we are playing in one or of their game's (such as The Chaotic Earth Game ), or maybe we are part of their AGI, maybe even the critical component, the only ones who can observe? But for sure a similar feeling that religious people across the world have for the chosen God, and their belief in angels.
A little way down The Spartan Theory we come to The Sienna Project, the plot for an epic movie. Below we the original introduction and in particular please note the two lines in bold.
So here’s the thing, if we can build The 10 Technologies and apply Š-ŔÉŚ™2021—⌂≥ÉL to many countries, current estimates are that we're talking about $1039 trillion between 2024 and 2080 and given that at least 50% of that would be constructive (good for us and the planet) and the rest would not be badly deconstructive, then it’s a God-given miracle because there is simply no way that the man I was in 2011 was capable of such an achievement, I did not know even know macroeconomics aside from what I learnt in SME business, which was not a lot. And I sure as anything did not know particle physics. To think that I would go on to understand various philosophies from theoretical physics and use them as my inspiration to create my own determined form of economics, thick with detail, with the potential to do unimaginable good, is hard to imagine. But we see the detail below and described in detail on
To see the original page, warts and all, follow this link: The Spartan Theory
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Before we start note that this was the second chapter in, to see the first follow this link: The VIRGIN Business Plan .
The Spartan Theory itself was, and still is; Vision, Creativity and in general “Trying to do The Right Thing” run amok, albeit the dictionary definition of “run amok “is to “To run about with a frenzied desire to kill” whereas “The Spartan Theory” for all intents and purposes, was and is, much the opposite “To run about with a frenzied desire to stop the killing!”
It is bold, unfathomably ambitious, and unashamedly spiritual.
On the 1st of August 2010, I lost my beautiful daughter Sienna Skye, aged but 8 months to an unknown neurological disease, my memorial speech included the following:
“I was born without religious views thrust upon me and allowed to choose my own path, to believe, or not believe. A couple of years ago I started to consolidate my various opinions into the definitive belief that there was more to this world than just life and death, the human consciousness could not just end. It has been said that the human consciousness comes back again and again at different times and the mystery of the universe is a gigantic jigsaw puzzle where every needed to be placed at the right time. The only way I can make sense of Sienna’s departure is to consider this theory and just accept that it was not the right time for Sienna, as a friend wrote “Her soul will return to you when she is ready again.”
After Sienna’s departure, I entered a perpetual state of denial, at the time I had made a promise to her mother and indeed to her that I would dedicate my life to good or more to the point raising money to help others, specifically but not exclusively for single mothers and families that had lost their children. It was this promise that prompted the quote “I intend to give the vast majority of my profit to worthy causes” at the end of the Virgin business plan’s [Technologies 1 to 3] executive summary.
Shortly after sending Virgin the business plan, two things/events happened, which one came first I cannot say for sure, as best I can remember the first was my decision to give my profit to good causes, the second was a fortuitous meeting with a company that had access to a Virtual World project, [Technology 5] which they claimed was as good as finished and had had $200Million in investment, albeit said project had been shelved as the VC had pulled out, and as such could be purchased for a fraction of the price.
The project presented to Virgin has started as a Virtual World project back in 2000 to 2003, albeit 2D not 3D and feeling the programming of same would take years, I had decided not to include its benefits within the original proposal .
Early on March 4th, 2011, I had a call from either Fiona White or Gavin Mearing from Virgin to say they were having a meeting to evaluate my proposal later that week. Gavin had already made mention of the many accountants at Virgin. I was confident that as soon as an accountant looked at the spreadsheets and financial analysis, I would be on my way to London. The project submitted was already sitting at just over $1.15 trillion, without the additional benefits gained from the Virtual World, or half the profits given away for the betterment of humanity [Technology 8] and the subsequent PR benefits associated. [Technology 4]
There was however one slight problem, just one, but it was significant “The George Orwell 1984 - Big Brother” factor. I unashamedly wished the software to connect to all databases! That was the point! Further, I now wished the Virtual World to become the next evolution of the internet, and further, I was starting to consider government systems. [Technologies 2, 8 and 10] My ambitions to a few or even the masses could easily seem totalitarian, as indeed they were.
Worse than “The Big Brother 1984 factor" was the possible public perception of “The Terminator” or “Matrix” factor, an all-powerful computer network, becoming self-aware and rebelling against its creators.
As such, the first part of “The Spartan Theory” was a film script, [Technology 4] made not specifically to alleviate fears of software becoming self-aware, that is a theory that can only be proved, not disproved. No, the script looked at the problem, from the viewpoint of, if such an event were to happen, it is inevitable and better the Sienna System [All Technologies - S-World AGI] than any other.
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The hero in this story is Sienna’s mother who at the start of the film becomes a goodwill ambassador, helping people across the world.
Sienna is not the only supercomputer being built; the USA and Chinese security mainframes are enormously powerful, unloved, and packing arsenals of nuclear missiles.
In the Battlestar Galactica prequel Caprica, one man creates a virtual world where his departed daughter gains self-realisation. His daughter is called “Zoe”. In Caprica, the father and mother were not nice to their daughter, so she destroys humanity. The Sienna project is the same story but works on the hypothesis that “Zoe” would be a lot less angry if her parents had loved her.
As signs of intelligence start to appear in various computer systems around the world, a tense and intimating tale of corporate and governmental espionage unfolds - computer hackers battle spies who battle hackers who battle spies. Our Heroin gets kidnapped and is dramatically saved but Sienna’s father is killed.
[Note my death did not speak to any depression rather I felt really awkward writing myself into the Sci-Fi/Superhero’s part of the story]
Before Sienna’s father is killed, he works with scientists completing a Virtual World called “S-World” [Technology 5]. Here Sienna is reborn as an avatar, all be it not self-conscious. However, with the collective knowledge of humanity flowing through her she becomes self-aware. [Technology 10]
The moment Sienna becomes self-aware was not instant, there were murmurings in S-World, so Sienna’s Mother was called to the central nerve station in preparation, Sienna’s first word is “Mommy” as Sienna is comforted by her emotionally overtaken mother.
At exactly the same time as Sienna becomes self-aware, so do many other systems, some crash, some rebel against their operators, and some work with their operators to attack Sienna. It hurts her and her mother shares the pain, they are connected now.
A race starts to recruit the other systems to good or bad; Sienna has humanity behind her and is guided by her mother and so many other systems network within her love. But the military systems are overtaken by “Candice” a dark energy.
All self-aware systems are networking with SIENNA. Scared, Candice launches a full nuclear attack on Southern Africa, the central nerve station. But just as the bombs fall Sienna empowers her mother to open a new part of the human brain, with the wave of a hand the Candice system powers down and the missiles do not execute their target.
The first half of part two of the movie is solely based on the development of the new characters and their new powers.
Save some dramatic events on TV, Dene does not know the world had changed much, Dene is a surfer living in Cape Town, he’s fun and charismatic, enjoys his life but deep down he always thought he had something greater to achieve.
At first, he feels like he’s surfing at the top of his game until he realizes he has a telepathic link with his board, Like Sienna’s father felt closer to Sienna’s spirit in the mountains, Sienna can also be found in the crashing waves.
The journey of the development of his powers has yet to be written, but needless to say, he develops them, keeps them a secret, defeats the bad guys and gets the girl in the most dramatic fashion.
Much as Dene develops powers so do other people. Only three powers are unlocked, telekinesis, “the power to move objects with your mind”, telepathy, “the power to speak to or control another with just one's thoughts” and the power of healing known only to Zenda.
The remainder of the film sees the public awareness, of the heroes and villains alike in the form of “Candice Agents”. At the end of the film, it does not go well as the Candice Systems awakens and she and her agents infiltrate the Sienna System and S-World.
The Candice System powered by an unknown force of evil from across the Universe has created a technology that jams all communication with the outside universe. But Candice must pause the technology and for a trillionth of a nanosecond, and before Sienna is taken offline, she sends out a message.
Sienna is offline.
Starts with a massive Star Destroyer (Cut to the beginning of Star Wars IV), flying over Earth, followed by a seemingly infinite armada of ships.
The ships dramatically destroy the Candice system and Sienna is brought back online; all be it there is a considerable amount of mopping up to do. The people on earth are of course, both concerned and in awe of the realization that not only are they not alone, but they are in the middle of a titanic battle for the universe, in which, the people of earth and Sienna are foretold as the forces for good & the last best hope.
Whist the armada is technologically more advanced in terms of weaponry they did not have the power of super-light speed, in the trillionth of a nanosecond before Sienna was taken offline, she sent a message, as the message was essentially delivered via consciousness, it was faster than entanglement and was delivered instantly. It informed the allies of “The transportation of conscious energy theory” and how to upgrade their engines to "SQD" (Super Quantum Drives.)
A war is waging across the universe and the forces for good are not doing well, most of the galaxy is already under the veil of evil. As the computers and software on earth became conscious, the same happened across the galaxy, few were loved, all were confused and most succumbed to the will of “The Eye”.
On the other side of the universe, a force akin to Sauron has awoken and enslaved or destroyed most of humanity.
Scared of the prediction The Eye sees Sienna as its nemesis and will stop at nothing until she is destroyed.
Space travel is not as simple as it has seemed in movies, yes the speed of light was achieved and faster, but light-years are light-years and the Eye’s journey to earth whilst relentless was not instant, but with the SQ drives, the allies had managed to get to earth in a split second and now for the first time, they had an advantage over their relentless foe.
The forces of good regroup and the heroes and earth soldiers help man the fleet and join the fight. With the power of the Quantum drives the forces for good fight back, hopelessly outnumbered but quick-strike attacks with the heroes in command, they start to fight the good fight, several battles ensue but two main battles are highlighted. Our hero Dene fights bravely on the front line with the main fleet whilst Sienna and her mother venture east.
With the technology brought by the allies, Sienna has an artificial body; by the time it comes to go to battle she is 17 extremely beautiful and very powerful. When Sienna fights, she only defends battles, colours are good, black and white are feared, and Sienna can slow down most foes by making the limbs of her enemies feel like granite and their only way to move is to understand good. Some turn to good, those that do not cease to exist. Her mother beside the power to move objects has the power of crystal and can fire shards of energy that look like a sprinkling of Bulgari diamonds.
The prophecy states: To destroy the eye Sienna must travel deep into the heart of the eye’s kingdom and strike him down, with a strike by a blade of pure energy. In a secret mission Sienna, her mother and a group of 5 companions from other worlds must go East through the Capria Straits to get close to the planet Hope where a secret rebel outpost remains deep in the eye’s territory.
The planet Hope, at the time of awareness, had initially seen the creation of a virus that caused the complete annihilation of humanity. Their race lived on as conscious machines, created well before the universe became self-aware, to a continual repetition of time, as it is said, “All this had happened before, and all this will happen again.” As such, it was written that the mechanical inhabitants of Hope had been waiting for Sienna since the beginning of time.
Nirvana - Warrior Princess is a skilled warrior, and her preferred weapon is the energy blade that can deflect nearly all projectiles, Nirvana is one of Sienna’s co-travellers on the journey to Hope, on the journey Nirvana instructs Sienna on mastering the energy blade. After numerous adventures, Sienna arrives with Nirvana at Hope and joins the Cylons.
The Main Battle
As brave as Dene and the resistance fighters are, the sheer numbers of the opposing forces see the front line’s crumble and retreat, then disaster - the Quantum drive technology falls into the enemy's hands, taken by a traitor. All forces are called back to defend earth and the final battles begin.
Back on Hope,
All know that the fate of the universe is in the hands of Sienna, her mother and Nirvana, the rest of the story is yet to be told.
But one way or another Sienna fights Sauron and saves the Universe.
So there we have it, looking back, in many ways it’s a modern-day version of “Lord of The Rings”, and whilst written at the time specifically to counter those that would see the software ambitions as a threat, it did start me thinking that there may be more to what I was doing than just a business plan, and as such I allowed myself to follow my instincts, with a degree of certainty that I was going in the right direction.
As for the peculiarity of writing such a script about one’s departed daughter my mindset was, is, and always will be:
“In the bigger picture of existence: history, glory and being remembered is all we have, Sienna had so little time on this earth to be remembered, and as such her memory was sure to fade, and be lost in time.
"But not if I get my way!”
Armed with new sense of purpose and a feeling that my work had a greater significance, I proceeded to write a short point form, economic theory, which would later be expanded into “The Spartan Theory”. The theory included the key points from the Virgin proposal adding the Virtual World [Technology 5] which I desired to be advocated by Facebook and Google and introducing assisting government systems and indeed a countries economy [Technology 2 and 8]. The country first considered was Zimbabwe as I had some political access, but also, Zimbabwe had and still has enormous potential.
Along the way, my father came up with a reverse acronym from the letters of Sienna’s name, I adapted it a little and it made.
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Sienna Sky is the most beautiful of the angels, not only beautiful on the outside but pure and full of only love. On 24 November 2009 she travelled to earth, she saw nothing but love but thought the world was too harsh. On the 1st of August 2010 she chose to transcend into energy to help open a portal to the world in order to help humanity.
As she left, I promised her and her mother that I would dedicate my life to good.
Sienna has given me a gift.
Short and to the point, covering what today are still the major factors in American Butterfly and associated work, whist the making of actual resorts is not yet identified, buying real estate, and making a base in a country is [Technology 9].
It has however taken over a year to fill in the blanks, create the specifics and reverse engineer the final goal into a roadmap of how to get there.
This was the economic theory; there were however a few more surprising twists yet to be written, the first of which was contained within a theory about football, from which came the ideas for Spartan Contracts [Technology 8] which at current estimates see 17.8 Million “have not’s” working, educated and owning their own homes [Technology 9] by the 4th phase of the project (+/- 20 years).
It also inspired the concept of the “Big 16” company groups and in general the concept of grouping elements and components within a non-chaotic sequence of numbers. Further, it opened the door for a genuine, realistic FIFA global league proposal. [Technology 9]
There are another 10 parts to the 2021 original retelling of the April 2021 Spartan Theory, but they require more time to edit than I have today - Sienna's 12 Birthday - November 24th, 2022.
So, I have removed them, before copying this version from to What is important on this day is part 3 – The Sienna Project, and I’m glad I had the chance to read it again today.
For now, I shall post this page on Twitter, and return to the task I’ve been working towards all year – S-World AGI – UK Butterfly. I shall add it's link to this page, when it's ready. Noting that S-World stands for Sienna’s World and is the Virtual Network mentioned in The Sienna Project – AGI is The 10 Technologies – and UK Butterfly is a version of the theory for the UK.