Important - Start at
Video 4a Dialogue
This presentation is not complete; I have so far only completed videos 1 to 4.
Video 4a summarises the process without giving the specific detail of the CMS seen in previous videos. It acts as a bridge between the 60,000x function seen in videos 1 to 4 and introduces the 10 Technologies and opens the door to video 5 Other Systems - Already Created, or in Progress, which as of 30th August 2022 has not been created.
This video reveals that the 60,000x at making websites and apps shown in video 4a is one algorithm set of many in Technology 1 and Technology 1 is but the first of 10 technologies of increasing complexity concluding with T.10 the S-World AngelWing AI tasked with creating the greatest combinatorial explosion of technologies one to nine, alongside complimentary ML systems to be added by others who join the project.
Eventually, we will see that the 60,000x seen is just a small drop in the ocean relative to the power of the complete system. This is best illustrated by the page The S-World Algorithms, this page presents over 2 million words of critical detail, and is the subject for video 5, but this page requires a username and password to access, contact me for these credentials.
Video 4a is currently the introduction and conclusion to this presentation. I stubble quite a few times in its delivery, but a sudden bout of appendicitis has prevented me from reshooting it. It may be better to read its dialogue, which is in any case superior as you can follow the links. I am looking for a professional presenter for this video series.
This link takes you to the Video 4a dialogue page.
Video 1 The Home Page CMS - - The First 10x | S-Web™ 5.01 (9th Feb 2022)
Video 2a - The First 100x | S-Web™ 5.01 (16th Feb 2022)
Video 2b Add 70 Product Pages for The First 100x | S-Web™ 5.01 (16th Feb 2022)
Video 3 - 2,000x Faster | S-Web™ 5.01 (7th March 2022)
Video 4 60,000x Faster than WordPress | S-Web™ 5.1 (18 Aug 2022)
Video 4b Way Beyond 60,000x - Loading Portfolios et al. | S-Web™ 6.0 (18 Aug 2022)
Video 5 Other Systems - Already Created, or in Progress | S-Web™ 5.01 (? April 2022)
Swop Videos 5 and 6 & 7?
Video 6 S-Web™ - The Menu and the Intern - Add Webpages and PDFs to the Drop Down Menu | S-Web™ 5.02 (? April 2022)
Video 7 S-Web™ for Universities, Authors, Producers and Everyone (? April 2022) | S-Web™ 5.03
Remove Videos 8 and 9
Video 8 New S-Web™ System Designs - Menu Sharing and S-World Film Collaborations (? April 2022) | S-Web™ 6.01 & 6.02
Video 9 S World Technologies 2 The TBS™ & 3 VS Networks & Distribution | S-Web™ 6.03 * 6.04 (? April 2022)
Video 10 The 10 Technologies S-Web™ 6.05 to 7.01 is T5 to T10) (7.00 is T9 Cities and 7.01 T10 is AI) The 10 Technologies | S-Web™ 6.03 (? April 2022)
Addendum 1 - Zero to One Quotes (27th Mar 2022)
Addendum 2 - The_Villa_Secrets_Network (15th Mar 2022)
Addendum 3 - Branding - The Sienna Project - 40 Highly Evolved Concepts (22nd Mar 2022)
At its most basic the S-World Platform is technologies 1 to 4, T1. S-Web™ (Everything Online), T2. The TBS™ (Total Business Systems), T3. VS Networks and Distribution (Everything needed to make a sale) and T4. S-World Film. Later we add T5. S-World VSN™ (Virtual Social Network) and above that we find T6. S-World UCS™, the network as a series of games and future projections.
This is the S-World Platform - Technologies 1 to 6.
Above the S-World Platform sit 4 further technologies, T7, T8, and T9 live in the macroeconomic arena.
Technology 7. Š-ŔÉŚ™2021—⌂≥ÉL increases the money supply adding a 30x to the cash flow of all businesses in a T9. Grand Śpin Network.
Technology 8 Net-Zero DCA Soft - Dynamic Comparative Advantage Software - As a part of Tax Symmetry Increases the amount of cash flow to Net-Zero and other special projects from 2.5% to 75% for another 30x, if one cares about starting constructive/good/foundational endeavours and developing Grand Śpin Networks on MARS.
Technology 9. Grand Śpin Network are S-World cities or county-wide networks that enable technologies 7 and 8.
Sitting above the bed of nine technologies we arrive at:
Technology 10. S-World Angelwing, which may be best understood as the S-World IAAI (Intelligent Assistant and AI) which is primarily concerned with the task of creating the largest and most versatile combinatorial explosion from technologies 1 to 9, allowing us to multiply, not add the 'X' forecasts from each technology. Which may not sound like much, but is in fact a huge deal.
If your in a hurrey please skip to Video 2b.
Let us have a look at the storyboard homepage on this homepage took just under an hour to make (see Video 2a ).
We suggest that this storyboard style homepage (created in both mobile and desktop formats) will be the same as seen in video one, in that it was created ten times faster than any other person could create a similar page using any code or CMS.
Starting on 18th Jan 2016, working 20 hours a week, Krissy (copywriter, researcher and image optimizer) made 57 such pages, the last uploaded on the 31st October 2016, that's 42 weeks x 20 hours a week, or 8 hours a day for 21 weeks.
It takes 1 hour to make the homepage and its 70 products, which cannot be created by any individual using WordPress in less than 100 hours (2.5 weeks). The products adding a new 10x to the 10x of the homepage CMS.
At this point, at the end of 2016, we realised that WordPress was not suitable for the type of APIs we wished to create, not without hiring specialists in this area, and even then, it may be troublesome. So, in 2017 we started S-Web 4.0 and made CMS pages for uploading villas in a similar design to the latter of the 57 WordPress product pages.
Now let us see the Product Page CMS and the product page for Beyond Infinity Villa.
In the last video, we saw S-Web™ create in less than an hour, and we heard our challenge to the best single WordPress specialist in Silicon Valley to recreate the homepage, plus its 70 product pages, including research, STO and other agreements, plus copywriting and image preparations, from scratch, in under 100 hours, whereas we expect it will take her longer.
In this video, I assign a generic template to a new web domain for a further 30x time saving making S-Web™ 5.0
Noting that - More than 40% of the world's websites are made in WordPress
Take 1. August 23, 2022:
50d1) S-Web™ 5.0 - Video 4a - (Take 1) - Luxury — Made In 6 Seconds - 20m.38s (23-Aug-22)
! Please note that on close inspection there are between 100 and 1,000 corrections I would like to make. Follow this link for the complete article.
So far, in Videos 1, 2a, 2b and 3 we have seen S-Web™ create complex websites and mobile apps 2,000 times faster than could be created by the fastest and best WordPress (or any other system user) in Silicon Valley in a month.
Here is the math analyze it at your leisure.
If the average person works 28 hours a week (7 hours a day, 5 days a week) how many sets of 6 seconds in their month?
28 hours in minutes gives you 1,680 minutes in a week.
1,680 minutes x 10 seconds equals 16,800 sets of 6 seconds in a week.
16,800 sets of 6 seconds x 4 weeks in a month = 67,200 sets of 6 seconds in a month, which I rounded down to 60,000x
How did I get to hundreds of thousands of dollars?
Well, in video 5, Other Systems, Already Created or in Progress we will see, within The S-World Algorithms fifteen more S-Web™ systems, presented as algorithm sets, which are collectively light years ahead of the status quo. Systems like the My List – My Webpage function, see this sub 1 minutes video for a system that lets a salesperson, property manager or owner make a dedicated mobile or desktop webpage for the client, for the first 20x in a completely different part of the business - making bookings and sales. Numerous systems assist the user to increase the enquiry versus booking closure rates, particularly for the most lucrative bookings or sales, which in turn increase the return on Investment from Google ads, other advertising, marketing, affiliate marketing, social media campaigns, returning clients, referred clients, or however one gains enquiries at the top end.
But this is just the beginning, we need to roll out more themes with diffreent graphic design, designed by others, and those that join our development team themselves will add their innovative ideas as the technology develops. CMS Logic™ I called it back in 2016 when I realised that we could not use third-party software and needed to create it all from scratch as part of the website. In CMS Logic™ everything must have a CMS was the original idea, now it is everything must connect to the CMS, and that CMS is S-Web™.
like an exponential AI system - with each new system, inspiring at least another two systems, then those new systems, in turn, inspire or demand their own new systems and so on, just we use humans not machines for this progress. This is how I have been working myself since 2009 when the first S-Web™ prototype was not a system to improve upon the speed of WordPress, it was the idea to exactly copy our fledgling Experience Africa website for Sotheby's International Realty as a new website called African Created for the Sotheby's Cape Town office to book their franchisor's large and wealthy client base travelling to the continent into Cape Town luxury villas and African safaris, under the premise that in becoming the concierge company and accommodation provider they would have more opportunities to meet with and show their clients around to sell their properties. Plus make residual income from the travel booking, which with larger groups booking top-end villas and safaris was equal to the commission from selling a property, and we at S-Web™ would share in the commission from the travel arrangements.
From Experience to African for Sotheby's International Realty
S-Web's First Prototype - 2009
Below we see three web pages, two from Experience Africa and one from African, which was a copy of Experience Africa, but with a different logo.
From S-Web™ and CMS Logic™ to (as-if) Machine Learning AI
S-Web™ 2009 to 2022
Over 13 years, including some significant setbacks, for example, we had to scrap S-Web™ 1.0 and the first versions of the websites seen above due to poor bug testing and repair. Because of this and a desire to get back to hands-on technology innovation, in 2011 I stepped back from my role as CEO of Cape Villas and Experience to work full time on S-Web™ and its burgeoning economic network theory S-World, for which I needed to learn the skills to take me from a user of Flash and Dreamweaver to working in pure code and directly managing specialist coders.
Essentially, I engaged for roughly 80 hours a week, 350 days a year, for 11 years, in what MIT professor Max Tegmark describes as Machine Learning the principle behind The Omegas AI in the introductory chapter of his book Life 3.0:
Learning (R&D) - improving existing systems to create more advanced systems - some more learning (R&D) - and further improvements to systems - that in turn create more advanced systems, ad infinitum.
This is what I have done, and what I and others will continue to do, just achieved by human-led system creation, not solely machine-led system creation. This is what I mean when I say as-if AI, it is the principle behind AI systems, but achieved by human-led system creation.
And so I found that each system I created, either inspired or demanded another system and over those 11 years this eventually led to where we are today, where in just six seconds we can prepare a system, that would take an entire elite Silicon Valley web development company and content team, years to make, but as we will focus on in video 5 that 60,000 times faster than the system that now accounts for 40% of the world's websites, is far less than one percent of the systems we find in the complete 10 Technologies.
So actually, to recreate a future S-Web™ and S-Word website including The 10 Technology systems will cost many millions of dollars, but for S-Web™ users it can be remade and customized by a girl aged 4 in whatever part of the world they happen to be in, using just a laptop, or in later releases, just her phone.
The 60,000x faster system is just one algorithm set within T1. S-Web™, and S-Web™ is the first of The 10 Technologies that sit upon its backbone, each getting progressively more complex, more humanly efficient, and devastatingly beneficial until Technology 10. (T.10) The S-World Angelwing AI moves up a gear from exponential AI to an AI technology specifically designed to create the greatest combinatorial explosion from technologies 1 to 9. If that does not impress, note that combinatorial is the big brother of exponential only trumped by inflationary expansion, thus a combinatorial explosion in AI can be the summit of AI technology for at least the next few decades.
Here is that graphic, look at it at your leisure, brands on the left ‘x’ forecast’s on the right. Note that the T8. Net-Zero DCA (Dynamic Comparative Advantage) Software 30x figure we see in blue, is money spent on special projects not potential investment return. Special projects are sources of beneficial / constructive GDP which may at first seem more relevant to foundations and governments than businesses, but with that said it is the craft called Tax Symmetry (an essential enabler of T7. Š-ŔÉŚ) to choose profitable businesses that produce beneficial / constructive GDP. Do not confuse T8. Net-Zero DCA with purely leftist sentiment, most businesses can be beneficial creating constructive GDP if administered in the right way, which is after all the purpose of The 10 Technologies.
Moreover, with that 30x boost we see from T7. Š-ŔÉŚ™ which applies to every S-World business in a Grand Śpin Networks, things such as green and other premiums can easily be afforded into the mix.
For more than two million more words of essential detail on this, see The S-World Algorithms, and in particular Part 4. Š-ŔÉŚ™ and The City, but for now we return to The S-World Algorithms Part 2. The S-World Platform and Technology 1. S-Web™.
Jumping back from the video, while we are waiting for the 20 or so seconds that it takes to propagate across the world wide web, let me read you three of my favourite quotes from Peter Thiel's Zero to One that really made me focus on this video presentation.
Peter's Zero to One masterfully encapsulates monopoly and scale opportunities, particularly in software. If you have not read it already, please do so, it is a must-read for those wishing to better understand S-World.
From Zero to One by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters
And for me this is the key sentence in Peter's book:
! Note that right now on the navigation is the navigation for Cape, this needs to be updated for safaris, a task we are working on which you will see in video six. For now, to follow what I do on the video, this is the link for the products hotlist page.
Now let's go back to:
Three paragraphs from the original April 22 version that I just do not want to throw away.
One of the key things that enable this 60,000x is that it is simple enough for 4-year-olds (and so most other users) to make their own complex websites and apps. One reason we are faster is S-Web™ row-by-row simplicity because we work with complete website rows and provide pre-made menus and product pages. Whereas in WordPress you need different widgets for different stuff, and it has no inbuilt content library. That is much more complicated, and we have no design control, whereas making well-designed rows slice by slice S-Web™ is far simpler.
One proviso is that I want ten distinctive designs (or to use WordPress language themes). If the current design of all templates seen so far is not your thing, there must be nine unique designs/themes, made by other designers, not myself.
We need all themes’ rows of content to work with all other themes’ rows of content, because of this we need to write the code as neatly and simply as possible, so we can see all assorted designs/themes at the same time on the same (massive) online webpage.
later T5. S-World VSN will make it virtual and T6. S-World UCS™ will make a game out of it, making it addictive and popular with the masses.
Assign Template to Website (30x)
So far, in Videos 1, 2a, 2b and 3 we have seen S-Web™ create complex websites and mobile apps 2,000 times faster than could be created by the fastest and best WordPress (or any other system) user in Silicon Valley in a month.
You may have noticed the words 'pre-created content' from the last video, I will re-read the whole paragraph:
"The real trick to this stage of the presentation, is that we have made the CMS so deeply simple, using widget rows and most often pre-created content, that anyone, literally anyone, especially you, dear reader or listener can be make websites in minutes.
Just send me an email to Nick (at), Facebook messenger me at or give me a call on +44 7387 394 298 and, given a moment I'll talk you through how to create your own homepage like in 5 minutes, without even seeing your screen, or if you have more time we could do something more like the flagship, or our African flagship
In an audacious move in 2009, I launched The Cape Villas Magazine, an extremely attractive, classy affair that was designed to make it to people's coffee tables where it would sit for years. We made a deal with long-running advertising partner Condé Nast Traveller Magazine who would distribute 22,000 copies to all their subscribers and printed another 5,000 for hand-to-hand distribution, which as it turned out was by far the best way to secure mandates.
No one had done anything like this before, not in vacation rentals, not before 2009, the biggest player on in the industry, Luxury Retreats had not come close to this kind of venture. Note, however, for us in Cape Town this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because the FIFA World Cup was being held in South Africa in 2010 and Cape Town had built an awfully expensive stadium on my old gold club to show its metal.
We made half our money back in one booking and later were offered the entire cost of the operation in Barter with Bulgari to advertise in the follow-up. This inspired the Guests' Gifts Idea, one of the subjects of the very first S-World business plan, as we would give the barter Bulgari gifts to our most important guests.
But I'm straying from the point, the point was, other than those two milestones, I did not see the surge in bookings I expected, and when I analysed this, I thought, well, probably only 5% of the people who got those magazines are interested in going to Cape Town, and of that 5% probably only 1% were, at the time of receiving the magazine, thinking of renting a villa in Cape Town.
It was not a loss, we also did barter deals with the villa and yacht owners to be in the publication, but it was not as big a money spinner as I had hoped, even is most estate agent's in Cape Town wanted to outsource their vacation rentals to us after seeing it.
And so was borne Experience Africa;
The idea for Experience Africa was to expand the scope of our marketing (online and publishing) to a wider audience, instead of luxury villas in Cape Town, luxury experiences across the content, villas, resorts, luxury hotels, small luxury hotels, and of course the big one, Luxury African Safaris. And note the last safari booking I made, made me $25,000 in commission, and we can see 11 videos I made for this booking in part 5.
As you may or may not know, after a personal tragedy in 2010, I moved back from running Cape Villas and its sub-companies, to instead focus on doing something more substantial, to do some good, give back, but also go back to technology, which is what I love working on, and what I was skilled at.
After all, betwee 2000 to 2002, I did create, using my photography, my ActionScript coding, a touch of JavaScript, and my simple (but hard for others to enulat) way to stop the two ends of the very wide panoramic photo from noticing, create the world's first commercially successful (56k modem steaming) virtual city tour in Macromedia (now Adobe) Flash, a full 4 years before Google created their bigger but a poorer-photographic-quality version of same, called Google Street View. Some may even say that I invented the first city view version of the Metaverse, and I was keen to move back to this kind of work.
Bringing us back to date, and the summer of 2022 and this S-Web™ video presentation, these lessons learned can have a massive impact on S-Web™, all we need to do is create a new S-Web portfolio loading system. I have already made two portfolios, let us have a quick look at portfolio one. for Luxury Villas in Cape Town and portfolio two. .
It would not take a particularly long time to create a system so that an S-Web™ user can choose from various portfolios and add them to their custom-made website (that we look at in video 6). For example, another potential opportunity, would be to consider winter Sun holidays, we had a few high-end ski companies with loyal clients booking winter sun villas through us, so why not the reverse? And if was as cheap to test this experiment, as touching a button saying add exclusive winter ski chalets to the various websites, it would cost no money to test, and if it worked, well that’s just free money, as much as the $25,000 safari commission, each booking.
All it takes, that needs effort on our side, is creating portfolios of GDS options and making partnerships with other suppliers direct. But that’s a whole lot easier than it sounds because we have S-Web 5.0. Have a look at where I am going with this right now, in these two new websites we put online just a few weeks back. and We need to do two things with these websites, one, connect them to MyBookingPal, to access a load of quantity top-end California villas and then present the ground handlers/concierge services attached to the portfolios and ask them if they want to take over these websites on an 87.5% / 12.5% commission split (in their favour).
Now we come full circle back to why it is so important that the CMS is simple, and even fun, once we have the BookingPal link completed for the USA we swop to real-world California villas and beach houses, and the concierge company can easily add their exclusive options and just sort it and its done.
This will happen across the world focusing on one hundred locations, and very soon, we can have a global portfolio of portfolio options, that users of S-Web can just choose, as easily as adding the Cape Villas portfolio or the Experience Africa.
So far...
See earlier version - a work in progress
Original Introduction: All software is integrated with the T1. S-Web™ Website/App - Advantages for Google Analytics.
So far, in Videos 1, 2a, 2b, 3 and 4, we have seen S-Web™ create complex websites and mobile apps 60,000 times faster than could be created by the fastest and best WordPress (or any other system) user in Silicon Valley in a standard month.
Here is the math from the spreadsheet tab; 60,000x et al.
If the average person works 28 hours a week (7 hours a day, 5 days a week) how many sets of 6 seconds in their month?
Hours 28 x Minutes 60 = 1680 Minutes a week
Minutes 1680 x Seconds 10 = 16800 Sets of 6 seconds in a week
Sets of 6 seconds 16800 x 4 weeks in a month = 67200 Sets of 6 seconds in a month
Rounded down to 60,000 sets of 6 seconds in a month, thus 60,000x
60,000x at that task is impressive, but it is just one of the hundreds of tasks/duties that need boosting.
In this example, you can class 'boosting' as 'to make money, save money, or avoid landmines.'
Observant viewers will have noticed that there was a four-and-a-half-month gap (7 Mar to 20 Jul) between video three and video five (and four). This was because there were so many 'other systems' that it took 4.5 months at 90 hours a week (not 28) to complete to a point where I could present them in a short video. So, let us now look at the 'Other Systems - Already Created or in Progress,' on the The_S-World_Algorithms.php webpage:
From now on I must skip between this page and the S-World Algorithms page.
Near the begging of the S-World Algorithms page, we find its index split into 5 parts, each of these 5 parts presents 'Other Systems - Already Created or in Progress'. As you can see these five parts present algorithm sets, that for the best part are presented chronologically in date order.
Algorithm sets are sometimes as you would expect to see, such as Algorithm Set 17. The Susskind Boost: Ŝ = (Ḡ x ₰) Ť + Ŵ + Ƈ + Ḿ + ( Ř + ϒ) + Ð + Ð2>9.
Others such as 10a 10b and 10c are complex financial forecasts, linked to advances in ₰, which is Technology 2. The TBS.
Other algorithms are more behavioural, some are microeconomics, many are macroeconomics, and as we discover in Part 4 this algorithm Š-ŔÉŚ_⌂≥ÉL can increase cash flow in a city by 30x. And that's a real fundamental 30x, every business in the network city increases their income by 30x.
But for now, we step back to Part 2. The S-World Platform - Business, Technology and Microeconomics.
Here we see 14 Algorithm sets all of which assist technologies 1, 2, 3 and sometimes 4. They also assist the founding virtual and gaming systems 5 and 6 and assist the macro systems 7, 8 and 9 and in one way or another all assist T10. S-World Angelwing, the AI charged with creating the greatest combinatorial explosion from technologies 1 to 9.
Part 2. The S-World Platform - Business, Technology and Microeconomics.
This list is there for the viewer to peruse at their leasure, unless you are looking for somthing specific I suggest only choosing algoritum sets in part 2 that 9★ or gerater.
For this example I'm going to folow the link to Algorithm Set 11: My List - My Webpage and The CDS | 10.5★ | T1² T2²² T3² T4 T5 T8 T10 (Apr 29, to May 7, 2017).
S-Web™ 5.2
Video 6.
Video 6.
S-Web™ for Universities, Authors, Producers and Everyone
For the origional version of this presentation follow this link: Addendum 14. (Login required)