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The S-World PDF Library 2011 to 2021

Plus Comments and Dialogue
Over 100 PDF Books, Essays and Papers on:

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

The Software and Systems Needed to Create

Net-Zero Cities in Locations of Abject Poverty

Supereconomics - The Cure For Climate Change In The Third World
Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Taking Malawi et al.
From Zero to One percent of GDP
All in beautiful Net-Zero

And for those who are not concerned with Climate Change

The new Cities and Metropolises create the global cure for the 250,000 to 1 billion economic migrants Paul Romer predicts in the next few decades, and will surely assist the fight against global pandemics as a family living in relative luxury will be less likely to carry or cause new variant infections than the family whose children play in open sewers.

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L__Take-1__The-S-World-Library-for-Founders-Fund__(6th-Aug-2021)
By Nick Ray Ball - March 2011 to August 2021

Let us begin with the basic idea:

Use Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L to take Malawi from zero to one percent of GDP by 2080, and copy the model in 100 locations.

A major influence for this project has been Peter Theil's book Zero to One about monopoly, start ups and the future.

Why? Because at the heart of this presentation is the Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš equation:
Ε avings + Ε”evenue x Γ‰fficiency x Śpin.

Note the accents we see (Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš) are only there so the letters stand out in a sentence and we can differentiate between Ε  for Savings and Ś for Spin (usually written Ε avings and Śpin).

When Γ‰fficiency is 100% (Γ‰=100%) it's a perfect monopoly and Śpin is the S-World TBSβ„’ software and Angelwing AI moving the money around the network faster and faster as the years go by.

So when Γ‰fficiency is 90% (Γ‰=90%) then 90% of all the output/GDP created by each company (it's goods and services) are sold exclusively to other companies in the same network. And 90% of everything the company buys is bought from other companies in the same network. The facilitating technology that balances the trade is called the Sienna Equilibrium. This is the current frontier of S-World development.

To get straight to Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ and its determined formulation Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L click the following link:$1000Trillion.php .

This page$1000Trillion.php is "THE HOW" everything gets paid for. including 10 million homes in Malawi by 2080 and all the trappings of a rich country including economic immigration coming to the new Metropolises mostly in Africa then Latin America and Asia.

This is in answer to Paul Romer's warnings of up to one billion economic migrants destined for the US, Europe and other wealthy locations. S-World not only positively impacts the climate crisis, but it also positively impacts immigration, and the fortunes of women and girls in developing countries, and assists the world in another 64 ways presented in Supereconomics book 3. Sixty-Four Reasons Why

Above we heard a paraphrasing of Peter Thiel's book title "Zero To One" into the narrative and in many places we hear the S-World "History 3" mission statement "Taking Malawi from Zero to One Percent of GDP."

Note The Malawi Metropolis Hypothesis is not only a mouthful its also a non-zero-sum-game when it comes to trade, so we can scale the model in 100 maybe 1000 locations. Including Mars!

For the somewhat spiritual chapter on this presentation to Erin Gleason Lane, Leigh Marie Braswell, Lauren Gross and Peter Thiel from the VC I have chosen; Founders Fund - Click the following link. .

To counterweight the somewhat spiritual software inspiration comes an awful lot of metaphors and symmetries from particle physics, and economics. Here are two short considerations;

The Richard Feynman Lectures (Curtousey of Three Roads to Quantum Gravity by Lee Smolin.)

β€œA good scientist is someone who works hard enough to make every possible mistake, before coming to the right answer.”

The Future of Capitalism | Paul Collier

β€œA good model starts from assumptions that simplify, but are not surprising, yet reach surprising results. Ideally it crystallises something that thereafter seems obvious, but hitherto you had not realised.”

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.


Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

PART 1. 2011 to 2013 and American Butterfly

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L started its life as The RES Equation in 2012 alongside the powerful PQS software required to run it.

The Spartan Theory: March 2011 to May 2012
New-Sparta-City-Of-Science | Mar 2011 to May 2012 | Approx. 400,000 words
Key Chapters:
Chapter 1. The Business Plan for Virgin β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Chapter 2. The Spartan Theory β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Below we find a 2021 version of The Spartan Theory seen above, in which I identify the roots to all of the 10 technologies in play today. It is quite amazing just how many of today’s objectives began in this paper. This paper was the beginning of the theory. Chapter 2. The Spartan Theory (October 2021) β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠
An excerpt from Chapter 20. The Chaotic Earth Game β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠
Chapter 22. New Sparta - City of Science β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠
Chapter 39. Allegra Stratton - Economic Black Holes & The Green Island Orlando Network - The Road to Ε”Γ‰Εš β˜…β˜…β˜…

About the star ratings; We have up to 5 basic stars β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
But for stand out works we add up to four shooting stars🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠
However on the drop-down menus, we give an out of 10 star rating like so; |6β˜… is equal to 1 shooting star, |7β˜… is equal to 2 shooting stars and so forth.

American Butterfly Jan 2012 to July 2013

Staring on the 1st January 2012 American Butterfly was a more cautious retelling of the 43 roughly written chapters from which began in March 2011 and evolved into a Net-Zero city-sized project in Southern Greece called New Sparta - City of Science.

But where saw the making of a massive technology investment hedged by a City of Science called New Sparta in Southern Greece, this time the city and technology plan was for Orlando Florida.

In American Butterfly I had played with chaos and string theory and in the 8th and final chapter of part 1. The Theory of Every Business, I hit upon Garret Lisi and Quantum Mechanics. Look now at this collection of books and essays and in nearly everyone you will find this or that as-if (it was an economics) idea from theoretical physics. Much of it, and particularly in the early days, (most of 2011 and 2012) close to nonsense.

Except of course that it was in this nonsense that Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ was first uncovered

(see where RES is discussed in American Butterfly Book 1 , Book 2, & Book 3).

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

American Butterfly: January 2012 to June 2013

02.10__American Butterfly Book 1: The Theory of Every Business (Find Ε”Γ‰Εš-v1 in Chapter 2. page 36)
Web Link to Index: The Theory of Every Business
164 Pages | 46,812 Words | 1st Jan 2022 to Jun 2013 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Web Link 02.17: Chapter 7. S-World VSNβ„’ β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠
Web Link 02.18: Chapter 8. S-World UCSβ„’ β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠🌠

02.40__American Butterfly Book 2: Spiritually Inspired Software (The Home of The PQS)
Web Link to Index: Spiritually Inspired Software
111 Pages | 25,508 Words | Sep to Nov 2012 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

The PQS - Predictive Quantum Software

02.70__American Butterfly Book 3: The Network On A String
Web Link to Index: The Network On A String
66 Pages | 19,495 Words | Sep to Dec 2012 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠


The first half of 2013 was spent on American Butterfly but after receiving no reply from Mrs Mobbs at DAMPT and advice from a friend of a friend David Pettifor at Oxford suggesting that I was in the wrong discipline and should try economics, not theoretical physics I was disheartened and would not return to the new disaplin of using theoretical physics theory philosophy to create macroeconomic networks for 2 years.

So I changed my focus to what I knew, which turned out to be microeconomics the S-Web idea; to make many copies of the website for others to use under a commission sharing agreement, first proposed and used my Southeby’s Cape Town in 2009. I needed to learn how to be a systems architect by matching my HTML and CSS with PHP programmers, to complement what were at the time - visually superior websites.

This started with a complete copy of (in mid-2013) recreated as, which you can’t see online at the moment due to a CSS error. Once complete in mid-2014 CTLV (as we called it) made just under the earnings of which had spent millions on advertising over the last decade and had a 13-year mostly very prestigious history. For the new website and team to do as well as they did was a big thumbs up to the idea of S-Webβ„’, now we needed to come up with a way to make hundreds of copies at the touch of a button that could all be very easily customised by their new owners, a task that took to late 2021 to complete.



Experience Africa and Cape Town Luxury Villas (CTLV)

Technologies 1 to 4

WEB - Chapter 3.49 (& 4.49): S-Webβ„’ Experience Africa - 7 Videos Indexed | 7β˜… (29 Oct 2016)
VIDEO - Chapter 3.50: S-Webβ„’ Experience Africa | Video 1 With Music | 8β˜… (1 Nov 2015)
VIDEO - Chapter 3.55: Video (17e) 10% to 20% Donated to Recipient Foundations | 4β˜… (1 Nov 2015)
VIDEO - Chapter 3.56: Video (18) Experience Africa in 20 Minutes | 6β˜… (2 Nov 2015)

Blog.Villa Secrets - Business & Technology Plan
Feb to March 2016

7 of 21 webpages - To see all entries look at the right sidebar menu on each webpage.

WEB - Chapter 3.60b: Index and Summary - Business Development and Software Framework | 6β˜… (16 Mar 2016)
WEB - Chapter 3.63: Asset Value of the CTLV Website and Systems | 6.5β˜… (11 Feb 2016)
WEB - Chapter 03.66: 10 Ways to Maximize the Value of your Business + 8 D-CRM Videos | 6β˜… (9 Feb 2016)
WEB - Chapter 03.70a: Six TBS-CRMβ„’ and S-Webβ„’ Systems - Index | 5β˜… (March 2016)
WEB - Chapter 03.70b: Index for the Villa Secrets Software Framework | 5β˜… (March 2016)
WEB - Chapter 03.74: The TBSβ„’ and S-Webβ„’ - 5 hours of D-CRM videos | 8β˜… (19 Feb 2016)
WEB - Chapter 03.75: Development Cost of D-CRM Software - Short and Long Videos | 6β˜… (19 Feb 2016)
WEB - Chapter 03.80: - Many Villas Display Page | 7β˜… (Oct to Dec 2016)

Six Exclusive Use Safaris, Private Islands and Luxury Villas

WEB - Chapter 03.81: Sir Richard Branson's Luxury Villas and Safaris in Africa | 7β˜…
WEB - Chapter 03.82: Cape Town Luxury Villas by Architect Stefan Antoni | 7β˜…
WEB - Chapter 03.83: Cousine Private Island - The Seychelles | 7β˜…
WEB - Chapter 03.84: 7 Cape Town Villas | 5 to 7β˜…
WEB - Chapter 03.85: Singita Castleton Lodge - Exclusive Use South African Safari Villa | 7β˜…
WEB - Chapter 03.86: Singita Serengeti House - Exclusive Use Serengeti-Tanzania Safari Villa | 7β˜…

I stopped work on American Butterfly in mid-2013, but later the Spiritually Inspired Software; the PQS (The origin of the 10 Technologies)intersected with the Villa Secrets Business Theory written in the book and The Villa Secrets’ Secret in early 2016 creating Angel



M-Systems - Economic Software Framework - S-World PQS v2

Jump to part 3 in more detail

04.01__The Susskind Boost (Ŝ) M-System 3
32 Pages | 8,831 Words | 27th Mar 2016 to 10th Jun 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

04.07__Angel Theory – POP (Financial Gravity)
16 Pages | 4,279 Words | 5th May 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…

04.09__Dear Professor Stephen Hawking
9 Pages | 2,500 Words | 5th May to 14th Dec 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…

I am reluctant to show the next document because it copies big chunks of Hawking and Mlodinow's book The Grand Design and I do not have the copyright to present it. However currently the only way to see the work is via a secure login, so it is not in the public domain, but for those who do have a login, please note that the following is mostly not my work but is relevant to how I reached conclusions.

04.10__Professor Stephen Hawking Says
47 Pages | 9,437 Words | 5th May to 22nd Nov 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

From The PQS to M-Systems - August 2016

05.02__The PQS – Predictive Quantum Software >> M-Systems 1 to 14
88 Pages | 26,376 Words | Nov 2012 to 1st Aug 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

05.03__A Digital Theory of Everything - M-Systems 1 to 8 | 7.5β˜… (19-Aug-2016)

05.04__Angel Theory in 8-Sentences for Elon Musk
19 Pages | 6,993 Words | 5th May 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

05.08__Welcome to the S-World Villa Secrets Network | 5β˜… (16 Dec 2016)

05.20__S-World Villa Secrets - Technology Introduction - Operations Manual & Business Plan | 8.5β˜… (21st Mar 2017)

The S-World Platform Continued - Villa Secrets 2016 Network Summary
August to December 2016

18 of 26 webpages - To see all entries look at the right sidebar menu on each webpage.

WEB/Video - Chapter 4.30: Villa Secrets Network Summary - Video's & Index | 7β˜… (17 Nov 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.31_(&_05.20): Technology Introduction - Operations Manual & Business Plan | 8β˜… (21st Mar 2017)
WEB - Chapter 04.34: M Systems - A Digital Theory of Everything | 6β˜… (19 Aug 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.35: Introduction - The TFBMS (Now Technology 2 The TBSβ„’) | 4β˜… (17 Dec 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.36: Total Financial, Business & Marketing System - Part 1 | 7.5β˜… (18 Aug 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.37: Total Financial, Business & Marketing System - Part 2 | 7.5β˜… (18 Aug 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.39: Villa Secrets Network – The Basis of the Agreement – M-Systems | 5.5β˜… (22 Aug 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.40: Villa Secrets CTLV 4-Year Financial Forecast | 5.5 β˜… (27 Aug 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.41: VS & CTLV - Forecasts and Scenarios - Quick Summary | 5β˜… (13 Dec 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.42: VS & CTLV - Forecasts and Scenarios - Memo Summary | 6.5β˜… (13 Dec 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.46: ZAR 1,000,000 Marketing Budget Due Diligence | 5β˜… (16 Sep 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.47: Villa Secrets Sample Mandate | 5β˜… (16 Sep 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.48: 19 Ways Villa Secrets Will Attract Sole Mandates | 7β˜… (1 Sep 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.49: CTLV - 3 Year Business Plan | 6β˜… (16 Oct 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.50: Villa Secrets – 3 Year Business Plan | 7β˜… (11 Oct 2016)
WEB - Chapter 04.52: Villa Secrets Cape Town Rentals – Market Share 2016 & 2020 | 6.5β˜… (30 Oct 2016)
WEB & Videos- Chapter 04.54 & 03.49: S-Webβ„’ Experience Africa - 7 Videos Indexed | 7β˜… (29 Oct 2016)
VIDEO - Chapter 05.55 & 03.50: S-Webβ„’ Experience Africa | Video 1 With Music | 8β˜… (1 Nov 2015)

Back to the M-Systems Build Up

05.05__Sienna’s 7th Birthday - Angel City 5 Special Projects – Date: 2080AD | 5β˜… (24 Nov 2016)

05.06__Angel City 5 – Special Projects 1 to 16's-7th-Birthday-Presentation__Angel-City-5--Special-Projects__(24-Nov-2016).pdf
18 Pages | 2,975 Words | 24th Nov 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

05.07__M-Systems - Sixteen One Page Illustrated Summaries
31 Pages | 10,373 Words | 4th Dec 2016 to 4th Jan 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


S-World PDF and Video Library

Top 10 Works by Nick Ray Ball

1. M-Systems - Summary

06.75__M-Systems & Special Projects
A Love Story and Theory of Everything
30 Pages | 4,644 Words | 24th Nov 2017 to 25th March 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠


2. Supereconomics Book 1: The Villa Secrets' Secret

06.21__Cape Villas & The Villa Secrets’ Secret – Complete Book
355 Pages | 103,809 Words | Aug 2000 to 12th Aug 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

Web links to significant software, MBA and networking chapters: Prequal: Experience Africa 2016 | Nov 2016 Homepage | July 2017 Homepage | Our Solution | Network | Mandates | S-Web CDS | CRM Nudge AI | The TFS (PayPal?) | TBS CC - The Company Controller | UCS Hawthorne for Richard Thaler and Melinda Gates |

3. Supereconomics Book 2: S-RES BASIC

11.11__Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš BASIC | S-World UCS History 3 – Malawi 2024 to 2080
12 Pages | 4,117 Words | 23rd Jul 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

4. SuEc Book 2: S-RES & The City Part 1 - S-RES

11.52__SuEc. Book II. Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš & the City part 1: Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš (The Magic Beans)
Addendums | S-RES versus FLR (Fractional Reserve Lending) | Well Before Time Production | S-World VSN Construct | Determined Cash Flows (Determined Economics) | Nick Ray Diary

257 Pages | 68,315 Words | 15th Nov 2020 to 10th Apr 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

5. SuEc-2: S-RES & The City Part 1 - S-RES

Basically a 29-page summary of the book above

11.52b__ SuEc. Book II Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš Let-us-call-it-Supereconomics
29 Pages | 6,137 Words | 15th Nov 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

6. SuEc-2. S-RES And The City Part 2 - Grand Śpin Networks

11.71__S-RES And The City – Part 2. Grand Śpin Networks
140 Pages | 33,642 Words | 21st Jan to 9th Apr 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

7. Supereconomics Book 3: Sixty-Four Reasons Why

09.91__Book 3. 64 Reasons Why – Complete-Book (UCS History 3)
404 Pages | 84,920 Words | 17th Dec 2018 to 15th Jan 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

8. SuEc Book 3: Sixty-Four Reasons Why

Basically a 149-page summary of the book above
10.50__ SuEc Book 3. 64 Reasons Why – Summary (UCS History 3)
149 Pages | 25,112 Words | 5th Sep 2019 to 24th Mar 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠🌠

Read Supereconomics Book 3 (Summary) Online

9. SuEC Book 3. Sixty-Four Reasons Why

Basically a 61-page (as basic as I can make it) summary of the two books above
11.55__Supereconomics Book III. 64 Reasons Why – BASIC
61 Pages | 9,726 Words | 24th Nov 2020 to 18th Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

10. SuEC Books 2 & 3: All Videos

A brief version of a longer chapter, from a certain point of view the videos are at least as, if not more important than the PDFs

11.96__Videos: April 2017 to 8th March 2021
20 Pages | 4,217 Words | April 2017 to 8th March 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

And here is my favoute S-RES video, an early ad libbed edition that shows S-RES power, reaching 1% of GDP 29 years sooner in 2051.

VIDEO 25__Ε”Γ‰Εš-v4 - Manual Display - Ad Libbed

S-World UCSβ„’ History 2
27 mins 20 secs | 27th Dec 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠


Top 4 Works for Peter Thiel

Supereconomics Book 4. 10x Our Future (Zero to One Influenced)

In the spring of 2020, I began a collection of many works based on the idea for a new fourth book to the series. Its name…

Supereconomics Book 4. 10x Our Future.

This was hardly a new subject, with Isaac Asimov’s quote seen below becoming the S-World Mantra back in 2021.

" You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion, things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired. Thus, shaping if not predicting the future."


Add to that the Feynman Sum Over Histories then the S-World UCS M-Systems 12, 13, 14, and the 87 Quintillion Histories, and there are lots of subjects to write about and Peter Theil's book Zero to One gave me a road map of sorts for how to tell this complex story.

1. SuEc-4:
10x Our Future – Zero To One & 64 Reasons Why

This book is a good place to start, the first half of the book contanines some sections from Zero to One and a lot of excerpts from my previous books and essays.
The second half is all sections from Zero to One, which presumably, at a later time, I would use to continue the narrative in the fashion of the first half.
The book will achieve 3 shooting stars when such a on operation is performed.

10.98__Supereconomics Book 4. 10x Our Future – Zero To One & 64 Reasons Why
218 Pages | 49,800 Words | 24th Mar to 28th Apr 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

2. SuEc-4: 10x Our Future Part 2 (Work In Progress)

11.16__Supereconomics Book IV: 10x Our Future (Work In Progress)
151 Pages | 27,189 Words | 9th Aug to 16th Sep 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

This follows with several passages from Peter Thiel's Zero to One, before a rather self-indulgent 43 pages from S-World Film: Angel City 5 – The Movie. I could have just shown the link to this, but with the Sienna Mountain passage not long before I felt that nothing less than the entire story would do.
Picking up again at page 80 we see the Chaotic Earth Game before a jump to the books Something Deeply Hidden by Sean M. Carroll and The Grand Design by Leonard Mlodinow and Stephen Hawking. Then from page 90, it's business as usual until page 126 which presents MARS Resort 1 in more detail but not as well as the later MARS Resort 1. BASIC. So, if you’re going to read this, best read to page 126, then read MARS Resort 1 Basic.

3. SuEc-2+4:
Supereconomics Book II: THE HOW
Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš | The-City | βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L

Whilst the book struggles in places and in particular from pages 97 to 132 we see some duplicate content; the rest of the book is probably the best book on S-RES I have made.
Unlike the two previous books, this book is about the frontier of Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’, The Sienna Equilibrium and the equation we see many times in this presentation Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

This book is a good presentation of the frontier work going on right now. Go to Page 70 for the beginning of the Peter Their Chapters.

11.35__Supereconomics Book II: THE HOW | Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš | The-City | βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L
320 Pages | 72,011 Words | 12th Oct 2020 to 20th Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

4. SuEc-4:
MARS RESORT 1 & 10x Our Future – BASIC

11.65__MARS Resort 1 | 10x Our Future – BASIC
18 Pages | 2,916 Words | 25th Dec 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

Question for Peter. Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I have been told public companies issuing new shares is another mechanism that increases the money supply. Same for the power law of venture capital is it another way of increasing the money supply, in the US economy, does it add to GDP?
I don’t have any particular point other than to start talking about ways to increase the money supply including Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’.

Now we return to the PDF Library Presentation in the year 2016 for the begging of S-World - Angel Theory

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Angel Theory: March 2016


Economic Software Framework

An Economic Theory of Everything

04.01__The Susskind Boost (Ŝ) M-System 3
32 Pages | 8,831 Words | 27th Mar 2016 to 10th Jun 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

04.07__Angel Theory – POP (Financial Gravity)
16 Pages | 4,279 Words | 5th May 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…

04.09__Dear Professor Stephen Hawking
9 Pages | 2,500 Words | 5th May to 14th Dec 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…

I am reluctant to show the next document because it copies big chunks of Hawking and Mlodinow's book The Grand Design and I don't have the copyright to present it. Fortunately, the only way to see the work is via a secure login, so it's not in the public domain, but for those who do have a login, please note that the following is mostly not my work, but is relevant to how I reached conclusions. The star rating here then is for Hawkings and Mlodinow's work which gets 5 shooting stars downgraded to two shooting starts because of my poor presentation.

04.10__Professor Stephen Hawking Says
47 Pages | 9,437 Words | 5th May to 22nd Nov 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

This made me look more closely at Hawkings 4 rules for a Good Model:

A Good Model

β€œA model is a good model if it:

1. Is Elegant

"Elegance is not something easily measured, but it is highly prized amongst scientists because laws of nature are meant to economically compress a number of particular cases into one simple formula.

Elegance refers to the form of a theory, but it is closely related to a lack of adjustable elements since a theory jammed with fudge factors is not very elegant. To paraphrase Einstein, β€˜a theory should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.’

2. Contains few arbitrary or adjustable elements

3. Agrees with and explains all existing observations

4. Makes detailed predictions about future observations that can disprove or falsify the model if they are not borne out."

At the time of hearing this, I did not correctly understand 1. "Elegance," but I was intrigued by 2. "Contains few arbitrary or adjustable elements."

However it was 3. β€œAgrees with and explains all existing observations" that made the real difference, for this, I gave myself a zero and realized I would need to learn classical economics to see, or not see if my model β€œagrees with and explains all existing observations.”

More confidently for Point 4. β€œMakes detailed predictions about future observations that can disprove or falsify the model if they are not borne out," with Asimov’s β€œShaping if not Predicting the Future,” as the founding philosophy of S-World, this point had potential.

Over the following months, then years, I started to understand and apply all four points and created a new System Design/Architecture.
Actaully thats not completly correct, what I did is create a better version of spiritually inspired PQS from American Butterfly Book 2 in 2012.


05.02__The PQS – Predictive Quantum Software >> M-Systems 1 to 14
88 Pages | 26,376 Words | Nov 2012 to 1st Aug 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

05.04__Angel Theory in 8-Sentences for Elon Musk
19 Pages | 6,993 Words | 5th May 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

05.06__Angel City 5 – Special Projects 1 to 16's-7th-Birthday-Presentation__Angel-City-5--Special-Projects__(24-Nov-2016).pdf
18 Pages | 2,975 Words | 24th Nov 2016 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

05.07__M-Systems - Sixteen One Page Illustrated Summaries
31 Pages | 10,373 Words | 4th Dec 2016 to 4th Jan 2017 β˜…β˜…


06.03__M-Systems – A Digital Theory of Everything – Complete Book
133 Pages | 44,955 Words | 4th Dec 2016 to 10th Apr 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

From THE PQS to M-Systems - August 2016
PQS__Predictive-Quantum-Software__2.15__(15st Aug 2016)
M-Systems - A Digital Theory of Everything 4th-April-2017
M-Systems - An Economic Software Framework - 29th May 2019 - Earth Theme
M-Systems - An Economic Software Framework
29th May 2019 - Angelwing Theme
At this point in the story, I homed in on Hawkings Good Model point 3;
"Agrees with and explains all existing observations."

The way to do this seemed obvious, I needed to compare M-Systems, Angel Theory - Paradigm Shift and the zoo of S-World systems, with traditional and modern economics. This was the start of four years spent listening to and dissecting the best books on economics and quantum theory.

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


2000 to 2017

The Villa Secrets' Secret
August 2017

Seemingly from a different planet comes book
06.21__Cape Villas & The Villa Secrets’ Secret.

S-World Villa Secrets

2000 to 2021 (2014 to 2017) (2016 to 2018) (2000 to 2021)

Technology 1: S-Web (S-World Online)
S-Web--Website-Builder__THE-WHAT S-Web Content Management
Technology 2: S-World TBS (Total Business Systems)
The-TBSβ„’__Total-Business-Systems The-TBS__S-World-TBS__Total-Business-Systems Total-Financial-System-1.02 The-CRM-Nudge-AI S-World-TBS-CC__The Company-Controller OKRs__S-World-TBS-CC__Objectives-and-Key-Results TBS__Total-Business-Systems
Technology 3: S-World Villa Secrets
(Network, Marketing, MBA stuff)
VVilla-Secrets--Specialize-and-Scale Cape-Villas Business-Strategy__The-Manager-&-Owners-Game Villa-Secrets-Marketing SEO__Search-Engine-Optimization--1.03 Bespoke-Site-from-Your-Domain-1.02 Mandates, Mandates, Mandates Sotheby's International Realty
Technology 4: S-World Film
S-World Film S-World-Film-&-Concierge S-World-Film-&-Famous-Concierge


Villa Secrets

The S-World Algorithm - Part 1

The Villa Secrets' Secret book becomes the first part of the S-World algorithm (set of rules/network/systems playbook).


Welcome to: The Villa Secrets' Secret

Technology 1.S-Webβ„’, 2. The TBSβ„’, 3. Networks and Distribution and 4. S-World Film

Jump to part 4 in more detail

Prequal 1: Experience Africa | 7β˜… (October 2016)
Prequal 2: Villa Secrets Network Summary | 7β˜… (November 2016 Homepage)

06.47__The Villa Secrets’ Secret – Complete Book
355 Pages | 103,809 Words | 8β˜… (Aug 2000 to 12th Aug 2017)

This book is the complete Villa Secrets Network business plan, circa 2017, below we see the first ten chapters below from (Note that the sidebar-menu goes down a long way showing the first ten chapters amd sub chapters)

At the time of writing I was enjoying the book The Challenger Sale by Brent Adamson and Matthew Dixon, for this reason, the first chapter is split into 6 steps.

The Warmer, The Reframe, Rational Drowning, Emotional Impact, A New Way and Our Solution.

The Villa Secrets' Secret - Chapters 1 to 10

Chapter 1. The S-Web CMS Framework - Our Solution - S-Webβ„’ and The TBSβ„’ | 8β˜… (2017)

Chapter 2. Network Strategy | 7β˜… (2017)

Chapter 3a. Mandate Marketing | 7β˜… (2017) (shorter)

Chapter 3b. Mandates Mandates Mandates | 7β˜… (2017)(longer)

Chapter 4. S-Web CDSβ„’ (Content Delivery System) | 7β˜… (2017)

Chapter 5. The Villas Cloudβ„’ | 5β˜… (2017)

Chapter 6. The CRM-Nudge AIβ„’ Agent’s Assistant and Automated Booking System | 7β˜… (2017)

Chapter 7. The TFS - Total Financial System | 6β˜… (2017) (PayPal?)

Chapter 8. Property Managers, Villa Owners and The Famous Concierge | 6β˜… (2017)

Chapter 9. The TBSβ„’ CC - The Company Controller | 9β˜… (2017)

Chapter 10. UCSβ„’ Hawthorne for Richard Thaler | 8β˜… (2017)

Ultimately, Villa Serets would provide the microeconomics and the TBSβ„’ software that marries with S-RESβ„’ in the macroeconomics.

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


August 2017

Angel Theory - Paradigm Shift

I chose to add the name Paradigm Shift after hearing of it from 2017 Nobel Winner Richard Thalers book Misbehaving, or was it Nudge I wonder?
It was essentially the beginning of reworking the M-Systems in an understandable way, in 8 categories. There is a sub-three-minute video, I created to show the key features.
And after we see a graphic for each system, before we condense all work so far into a single book; A More Creative Capitalism, which is currently Paradigm Shift book 2 part 2.

The webpage below best presents Angel Theory - Paradigm Shift
WEB: Angel Theory - Paradigm Shift - Summary | 27th April 2018 | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

The links below follow the web links found on - dropdown menu: Paradigm Shift, note that there are more links in the Paradigm Shift sub-menus found on Angel Theory.

1. M-Systems and Special-Projects | 24th Nov 2017 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠
2. Ripple Effects and Elephants For Paul G. Allen | 30th January 2018 | 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠
3. A More Creative Capitalism For Bill Gates | 1st November 2018
For More See:
07.61 Supereconomics – A More Creative Capitalism – Summary 96 Pages | 🌠
08.01 A More Create Capitalism – A Good Model (Physics Summary) 43 Pages | 🌠 🌠 🌠
08.44 A More Creative Capitalism – Super Economics – Book 251 Pages | 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠
A forerunner to Supereconomics Books I, II & III.

4a. Network Villa Secrets including: The TBSβ„’ - Total Business Systems | 17th July 2017 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠
4b. Villa Secrets | 2018 🌠
5. S-World VSNβ„’ Virtual Social Network | 2018 | 🌠 🌠 🌠
6. S-World Film | April 2018 🌠🌠
7. S-World UCSβ„’ (Universal Colonization Simulator) | 27th April 2018 | 🌠🌠
8. Audacious Ideas - Spiritually Inspired Economics | 5th January 2018 🌠🌠🌠

VIDEO 11__Angel Theory – Paradigm Shift
2 mins 28 secs | 30th May 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

Angel-Theory__Paradigm_Shift Angel-Theory__From-M-Theory-to-M-Systems Angel-Theory--Paradigm_Shift__Out-Of-Chaos__Slide-3 Paradigm-Shift __A-More-Creative-Capitalism__Slide-4 Paradigm-Shift__Book 3.-The-GDP-Game__Leveraging-Expectations__An-End-to-Abject-Poverty__Slide-5 Paradigm-Shift__Book-4__The-TBSβ„’-(Total-Business-Systems)__Slide-6 Paradigm-Shift__Book-4-Part-2__S-World-Villa-Secrets__Slide-7 Paradigm-Shift__Book-5.__S-World-VSNβ„’__(Virtual-Social-Network)__Slide-8 Paradigm-Shift__Book-6.__S-World-Film__Slide-9 Paradigm-Shift__Book-7__S-World-UCSβ„’__Universal_Collectivization_Simulator__Slide-10 Paradigm-Shift__Book-8__Audacious-Ideas-2__Slide-11

06.53__M-System 15. Angel POP And The E-TOE 59 Pages | 12,627 Words | 27th Jul to 18th Aug 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

06.55__Out of Chaos – The E-TOE (Economic Theory of Everything)
WEB: 06.55__Out of Chaos
99 Pages | 15,090 Words | 1st Aug to 15th Nov 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

Nov 2017


The Economic Theory of Everything


The E-TOE becomes the second part of the S-World algorithm (set of rules/playbook). M-Systems was the first.

From the 'E-TOE' dropdown menu on

Prequel 1: 06.55pre1__An Economic Theory of Everything - The E-TOE | 9β˜… (15 Nov 2017)

Prequel 2: 06.55pre2__An Economic Theory of Everything - Summary & Index | 8β˜… (Nov 2017)

06.55a__Chapter 1: M-Theory & The E-TOE | 6β˜… (15 Nov 2017)

06.55b__Chapter 2: The flap of A Butterfly’s Wings | 9.5β˜… (13 Dec 2017)

06.55c__Chapter 3: The Network on a String - 2017 | 8β˜… (15 Nov 2017)

06.55d__Chapter 4: Super Coupling | 9β˜… (19 Nov 2017)

06.55e__Chapter 5: Quantum Time | 9β˜… (19 Nov 2017)

06.55f__Chapter 6: Relative Equality | 6β˜… (19 Nov 2017)

06.55g__Chapter 7: M-Theory an Economic Science? | 5β˜… (19 Nov 2017)

Addendum 1. The E-TOE Part 2. Super Coupling and beyond | 9β˜… (19 Nov 2017)

Angel City 5 - The Movie | S-World Film | Sienna's Angel Birthday

06.58__Angel City 5 – The Movie | Technology 4. S-World Film
35 Pages | 6,806 Words | 1st Aug 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠

WEB: Angel City 5 - The Movie S-World_M-Systems__Economic-Operating-System__(6-Dec-2017)

06.59__The E-TOE Summary
37 Pages | 7,519 Words | 1st Aug 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠
06.59b__VIDEO 2:
51 Minutes - 26 Seconds | 14th Nov 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠

The E-TOE - An Economic Theory of Everything

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


October 2017

MARS Resort One for Elon Musk

RES, The Suburb Sale (βŒ‚) and Tax Symmetry

Elon-Musk __MARS-Resort-One
The MARS Resort One Thought Experiment

In October 2017, encouraged by Elon Musk and SpaceX's desire to create a transport corridor to MARS, and talk of one million visitors. In part for fun, but also for the development of Technology 6. S-World UCSβ„’ the MMO game and the gamification of the network. I began a new Grand Śpin Network (City) design/project called MARS Resort 1.

The first MARS Resort 1 short book ID:6.64 starts with M-Systems 1 to 14, which flow into the then 16 Special Projects (For more on Special Projects see ID:9.91, ID:10.50 & ID:11.55) up to Special Project 16. Universal Colonization.

This is the ultimate achievement in S-World and the S-World UCSβ„’ game. The ultimate special project, flying ourselves to the stars in a fleet of ships, spreading our complexity across the galaxy ensuring our survival come what may. (Well actually not forever, as we have the heat death of the universe and... but likely for a longer time than our current Earthbound civilization will endure.)

We arrive at MARS Resort 1 on page 55, and soon after, yes that is a golf course we see. My idea, at least for the city is for it to be as luxurious as it can be.

Then bang, the reason why I’ve included MARS Resort 1 in this presentation is found on page 65, a very quickly made spreadsheet with RES Γ‰ set at 93.75% this action turns 100,000,000 of capital into 762, 477, 458 worth of GDP (x 50% due to the CFV) in whichever unit of currency one chooses.
It took a little while to realize its significance, but as there was no tax, we could use RES much more effectively than the 2012 Orlando Network (seen below) did in American Butterfly which only had an Γ‰ of 58.9%.


Remember Γ‰ is the measure of the percent of spending that goes to other companies or personnel in the same network.

So on an early Mars colony, by its very nature, the start-up city would have a very high Γ‰, everything and everyone on an early MARS colony would be almost exclusively buying and selling to and from each other, and Γ‰ might be imports from Earth for luxury items for super-rich individuals.
MARS Resort 1 personnel will be told up front that sending dollars to earth is very costly, one may be extremely rich on MARS but the transfer of funds back to earth will be limited, the priority of Γ‰L (Γ‰ Leakage) would be spent on essential imports from Earth, and even then it would be from an Earth GŚN (Grand Śpin Network) that was in Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ and had a high Śpin.

As I write this I consider, each Earthbound GŚN should have one suburb dedicated to producing a set of goods and services (including research) for MARS Resort 1. Let’s assume 25 GŚNs have been created worldwide by 2048. And let’s assume the average output is per History 3. Then, if all 25 GŚNs are continually producing and sending this output to MARS Resort 1, we can consider MARS Resort 1 at scale.

On earth, tax is necessary to collect from the many any provide entitlements and security back to the many, but on MARS Resort 1 the colony evolves by providing its own entitlements like food and oxygen. Security is not so much in case of war, terror or crime, by security, I mean the team that make sure pressure is not lost and everyone is exposed to MARS's raw conditions.

I think at this point I conceived The Sienna Equilibrium, for which the new spreadsheet by that name is right at the frontier of S-World development. The Sienna Equilibrium is the mechanism and software that creates the environment where everyone is buying from each other and trade is near to Pareto efficiency and everyone is happy, they can buy what they want and can get a good price for selling their specific good or service.

Note here that Peter Theil's suggestion that every person in a start-up should focus on just one thing may be a good rule on MARS Resort 1. Be that thing maintaining the nuclear power engines, or producing apples, or a thousand other things that are needed. By copying the way musical keys can lead into each other and eventually end back where they started, we do the same for the cashflows of everyone and every business.

And because everything is being made that is supposed to be made and things like security are factored in as businesses trading, there is no need for tax at all.

This later became Tax Symmetry, that you can read about on this brief PDF: 11.51 - Tax-Symmetry & S-World Net-Zero DCA Soft. Tax-Symmetry__Net-Zero-DCA-Soft Net-Zero-DCA-Soft.__Dynamic-Comparative-Advantage

After some more ideas for MARS Resort 1 the book presents 'The Butterfly' the name for an organogram of desired companies I wished to work with.

After the butterfly we see MARS related graphics for the co-founders I desired at that time; Sir Richard Branson, Bill and Melinda Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, Elon Musk, Paul G Allen, The Clintons and The Obamas.

And here it is, entry number 6.64__M-Systems, MARS Resort 1, RES & Trustees.

06.64__M-Systems | MARS Resort 1 | RES | Trustees
95 Pages | 18,268 Words | 3rd Oct to 3rd Nov 2017 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

SpaceX - MARS Resort 1 S-World-MARS-Resort-1b__Building Crane

Technology 5. S-World VSNβ„’ - Virtual Social Network

Technology 5. S-World VSNβ„’ - Virtual Social Network (Seen here in American Butterfly) is everything you see, on our planet, just created virtually like a detailed video game, or seen in Oculus and other VR systems, where people can 'teleport to gps' to see each other's locations and see all that they can see.
In Mars Resort 1, the entire development going forward to 2080 will be created in S-World VSNβ„’ and VSNβ„’ Construct. We hope to use Will Wrights simple city and home building tools from his games The SIMS and SIM City. Then add a fantastic array of architectural features from who in my opinion is the world's greatest architect; Stefan Antoni, (certainly the world’s greatest modern architect) and then render the entire colony in S-World VSNβ„’.

Stefan-Antoni__Architect S-World-VSN__MARS-Resort-One-&-The-Suburb-Sale-(βŒ‚)
Technology 6. S-World UCSβ„’ - Universal Colonization Simulator - MMO Game

The S-World UCSβ„’ MMO game works in many ways, for some, it's like playing Civilization but with the 10 Technologies ending up on MARS Resort 1. For others, it becomes the game that pays as we allow elite gamers, architects, and the public access to create their own cities, attractions, infrastructure, homes, villas, estates, golf courses, stadiums excreta which when purchased in the real world, pays a significant commission. Build the right house and earn $10,000, design a complete suburb that gets chosen and the return would be tens of millions.
See the early design for this system in American Butterfly - it's a trip.

Or for a more recent presentation see: 11.58__S-World-VSN - Construction and Industry (Nov 2020)

MARS-RESORT-1__The-home-of-Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’v6-Financial-Engineering MARS-Resort-One__A.W.Peet__10,000-km2
Supereconomics book 2. S-RΓ‰Sβ„’ and The City (βŒ‚).

Of course the first instinct, is to marvel at the size of land available, and we still do, but selling property on a future MARS colony before anyone has even been there is a stretch. VSNβ„’ or no VSNβ„’.
So instead, after quite some consideration I came to the idea that MARS Resort 1 would not sell individual homes, instead, it would sell complete suburbs. This idea was another great simplification, that was adopted by earth models, which eventually led to Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L. (In which the β€˜βŒ‚β€™ symbol is either a suburb or a collection of 8 suburbs in a City.)

MARS-RESORT-1__The-home-of-Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’-Financial-Engineering-2

In terms of the actual construction of the city, SpaceX will have already done research and will have a lot of good ideas, add to them real-world city construction ideas from 2018 Nobel prize winner Paul Romer and The Marron Institute (NYU) and we're almost there.

Paul-Romer__NYU__MARS-RESORT-1__Grand-Śpin-Network Paul-Romer__2018-Nobel-Prize-in-Economics Paul-Romer__A-Bachelor-of Science-in-Mathematics-and-Physics Follow this link for 2019 Nobel Prize winners Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo telling their readers of Paul Romer's Charter Cities in their book Poor Economics.

Paul Romer's Charter Cities in 403 Words

Add to the above my new design for S-World VSNβ„’ called VSNβ„’ Construct (part of 'Well Before Time Production') in which the entire construction process (be it a house, a motorway, a nuclear power station, or a complete city-sized metropolis) brick for brick - every action of every member of personnel will be rendered with all personnel performing the construction seen virtually, via tailor-made glasses that can flip up to show and now show the rendered plan whilst working on the ground.

Be it MARS Resort 1, or HS2 (A high-speed railway project in England) great efficiency is added to the construction process, be it exactly what labour should do, or the inventory and cost of every part included in the construction price adjusted in real-time to avoid underquoting and the almost inevitable inflation of the project by at least 100% be it a railway, an aircraft carrier, nuclear submarine, a City in Africa, or a city on MARS...

MARS-Resort-1__Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’

Pardon mademoiselle, we're just going to take 2 steps back a second. This narrative is similar to before but offers a different perspective.

For MARS Resort One, instead of classical tax methods I used The RES Equation. Because the only place for labour to spend is in the colony, the money rotates around, and around and if we could put a time limit on spending Network Credits (the currency of the network), we could push the money around the economy faster and faster.

This was the perfect environment for RES and as I considered the matter, I asked myself; How can we replicate the MARS Resort 1 RES model on Earth?

If Mars were considered as a country it would uniquely record absolute zero GDP, it makes absolutely nothing. So, I looked up the World Bank GDP by country tables on Wikipedia, and went straight to the bottom and found Malawi, at $250 per person per year. This was pretty close to MARS, almost nothing.
Malawi was already on my radar, because of Thomas Piketty's lessons of convergence and M-System 15. Angel POPs newly considered philosophy; "Grand Networks in Locations of Extreme Poverty are Special Projects." And that I had had the privilege to employ a number of Malawians in my years in Cape Town as CEO of Malawians are the single most peaceful, humble, hard-working and house-proud people on this planet, but that's not why, the why comes from The Day Max Roared which is a story for another day.

Malawi also ticked other boxes, and so I began The Malawi Grand Śpin Network Metropolis Hypothesis.


After completing ID:6.64 I started another MARS orinetaed production, a more condensed summary for MARS Resort 1, that begins:

MARS Resort 1. The Return of Ε”Γ‰Εš

06.68__MARS Resort 1 & Sienna Crater | RES | Co-Founders
33 Pages | 7,373 Words | 22nd Oct 2017 to 25th March 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

This summary begins well and has some interesting incites as it goes, it’s not so much a summary of the previous book as it is a new short story about MARS Resort 1. That ends with the complete online summary of SuEc book 3. Sixty-Four Reasons Why and presents desired co-founders.

Remember that Universal Collenizartion is Special Project 16, and Sixty-Four Reasons Why is a book on 63 (now 73 other special projects) that share in the Ε€enders created by Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ monopoly cash flow.

Important side note and a quote from another book is that because of the Sixty-Four Reasons Why we will not have to hide this monopoly, for all the good it can do.

64 Reasons Why - Summary

Index and Introduction
Part 1. Supereconomics Book 1; THE WHAT – (Special Projects Allocations 1 to 32)
Part 2. Supereconomics Book 2; THE HOWTHE HOW (Special Projects Allocations 33 to 64)
Part 3. THE HOWA Good Model & The Feynman Sum Over Histories
Part 4. Internalities and Net Zero DCA Soft.
Part 5a. Special Projects 1 to 33plus UN and SRC goals and internalities
Part 5b. Special Projects 34 to 71

Download/Read Book Summary as seen above: PDF 10.50
Download/Read Complete Book: PDF 09.91
Download/Read the newest and most basic (shortest) book: PDF 11.55

MARS-RESORT-1__A-Mars-Landscape_&_Elon-Musk The-Chan-Zuckerberg-Foundation__MARS-RESORT-1__Advancing-Human-Potential MARS-Resort-1__Melinda-Station Richard-Branson__Virgin_&_S-World-UCS

The equation we see above, would not be completed until late 2020, or early 2021. The new component βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L is very simple but incredibly powerful.
It says The Suburb Sale (βŒ‚) (or City Sale) must make the same or more than (β‰₯) the cash flow spent with companies, not in the same business network (Γ‰).

As we shall see this becomes the cherry on the top of our efforts in creating determined cash flows which really is at the forefront of S-World development right now.

In the most recent analysis of S-World UCS History 3, the Suburb sale is 100% of income, which is then divided between the businesses in the network as ŀenders, in a process that puts the future Global Network cash flow a $1,039 Trillion x 2 (for 100 GŚNs per History 3, between 2024 and 2080)

Because 'The Suburb Sale' would have been contracted 2, 3 or more years before the official Grand Śpin Network launch it's a 'hell year' for investors because so long as the suburb sale is invested in, the business network is guaranteed enough income to cover all costs.

It’s a totally different business model to traditional property development, that is reliant on Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’.

Take the $1 billion (+5% appreciation a year) which the suburb owner pays each year.
Multiply it by Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ as prescribed so by as much as 3000%. And you are left with an absolute fortune.
This money then pays the Ε€ender which increases at close to 50% a year ensuring spectacular growth for the network of businesses
that start as 2,048 businesses in the year 2028 and grows to 327,680 businesses by 2080. With the owners of the suburb (βŒ‚) owning a share in each and every business in the network.

This is "The Theory of Every Business" 10 years after my first writing it as Book 1 in the first book in my American Butterfly series back in 2012..

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

For Elon Musk and SpaceX:

In reinvigorating Ε”Γ‰Εš and providing the idea of selling cities or suburbs, not villas and attractions, MARS Resort One became the prototype for the Malawi Grand Śpin Network.

After that, a beautiful symmetry developed; because whilst MARS Resort One is the main theoretical prototype for the Malawi Grand Śpin Network. It can be equally said (when created) that the Malawi Grand Śpin Network will be the prototype for a SpaceX Grand Śpin Network on MARS.

MARS Resort One will benefit from every Grand Śpin Network developed. And earlier we heard how it would be a good idea for each Grand Śpin Network to have a Suburb dedicated to the scale production of supplies and services for Mars Resort One, paid for by the Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L process with the idea that Mars Resort One will become the 4th Angel City in 2048.

By 2048 we might have 25 or even 50 earthbound Grand Śpin Networks, that's 25 to 50 ways to get it so good we can export it to MARS.

MARS-Resort-One__The-GŚN Prototype-Symmetry__for__Elon-Musk

Let me draw attention once again to the circular nature of the decision to buy a suburb. Because we have taken away all income except the Suburb Sale revenue, we can make predictions with certainty, so long as someone buys a suburb, and we can use Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ as prescribed, the returns will be as presented on the website.

The only critical variable is; Can We Find a Buyer or Buyers for a Suburb?

I am reminded of the first follower from Eric Schmidt’s book How Google Works, in this case, the first follower is the most important, whom we can entice by offering a very special prize that so far is the only thing I have reserved only for myself. In Peter Theil's Zero to One book, Peter says that VCs (or the 1st VC) typically desires 20% of the equity in the start-up. He does not say how much equity the founder retains after all subsequent investment rounds but I believe Mark Zuckerberg retained 25% of Facebook.

But with such massive amounts of money in play, $1,039 trillion per the determined formulation of History 3, just 0.1% rake of cashflow equals $1.039 trillion. Even Google will see that as a good payday for a valiant venture in which they can build their city specifically for automated or even flying cars, and market the Tesla GT, (that’s not Grand Turismo that’s Google Tesla.) Tesla is already at the races so an alliance may make good sense.

The Malawi Grand Śpin Network
Companies Cube
(2048 Companies in the year 2024)

Below we see the Malawi Grand Śpin Network Companies Cube, each cube you see is a measure of 64 companies, the companies that we earlier saw make around 3 million a year each from Network ŀenders.


Above We can see a clear message to Elon Musk with 7 cubes assigned, and in addition, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Berkshire Hathaway and Virgin get a place on the board, all of which create products that are essential to the special projects, and are themselves special projects at least in terms of carbon. The rest of the board is filled with special projects and facilitating systems such as the Peet Tent.

New!!! The most recent thoughts have been to divide the suburb costs into eight different suburbs making a Start-Up City.

The cost for the first City in History 3 was $1billion plus a 5% increase each year, for as long a contract as we can sign, hopefully, 16 years.

However, one thing I learned when I created a Cape Town luxury car hire company was that if one sets the price too high then there is only so many who can afford it. We did convertible BMW 330s at about $100 a day and made a lot of bookings, but the Porsche Boxster S for $250 was too high, and we made very few rentals. Same for villas at the top end, there are only so many people who can afford it. So, $1 billion-plus a 5% per year escalation may be too high. But if we split the start-up city into eight different suburbs at $125 million per year plus 5% escalation, there are tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of potential buyers, who, and this is important would be willing to sign a longer deal, ideally to 2080.

Before I present a list of such companies, we need to remember two things, we need each project to be less than Net-Zero and where possible they should also be a special project, this is for Tax Symmetry, where instead of tax the network makes and supplies things desired by the people. All Net-Zero in both carbon output in use and carbon output in the making of the product or service.

The second is that a suburb is not just the land, it is the Ε€ender receiving business as we have seen in the 64 Cubes for Malawi and The UK graphics above.

I will now describe a Stage 2 City which I call a GŚMN (Grand Śpin Metropolis Network) which has 8 Start Up Cities starting at $1 billion each, divided between 64 companies individuals, foundations, countries or even states.

One can do the Hatton Garden/Harley Street effect and have eight universities invested in the same network, or one can spread the investors across a dedicated suburb or spread each industry evenly across the 8 suburbs.

For now, let us spread each industry evenly across the eight suburbs.

I am going to name 32 of the 64 placements leaving the last 32 available for facilitating companies, such as making Solar arrays or building infrastructure.

I will start with Football (or as you say in the US Soccer), Starting with Chelsea (The home of Christian Pulisic). I am confident Roman Abramovich will be interested in this project and after Chelsea, many or even all of the clubs that wished to create a Soccer Super-League would invest in this Grand Śpin Metropolis Network if it were to be the home of that Super League. Note that on the Summary version of SuEc Book 3. Sixty-Four Reasons Why presents this Super League at its grassroots in Special Project 53. Malawi Football and Other Sports Leagues. Followed by Special Project 54. Malawi 2038 World Cup Bid.

Then above the grassroots, we have two clubs situated in each of the 8 Suburbs that make up the GŚMN.

Next in each suburb could be one of eight universities, which are well practised at investing their endowments, such as Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Princeton University, MIT, Cambridge, Oxford, LSE.

Another Suburb may be fashion houses, Armani, Chanel et al. This would suit Malawi well as the weight of hi-fashion is light so making exports cheaper.

Considering Technology 8 is S-World Film I could see a major studio set up in each suburb, or as was previously considered break out of the mould and set up as 1 stand-alone suburb.

Of course a suburb or suburbs for the technology companies featured by S-World since 2011; Facebook, Microsoft, Google. One suburb might then be for Luxury Travel, Hotel companies at al

One suburb dedicated to Space with Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson, the latter being the targeted recipient of the first-ever S-World presentation.

If we then start to add the company types seen on the 64 Cube graphic that has not yet been named and we soon see that we will run out of space, which is fine because the plan is for about 40 Grand Śpin Metropolis Networks, such as the UK Network seen below.


I did not realize in the first draught of this webpage that straight after MARS Resort One came M-Systems and Special Projects – A Love Story And Theory Of Everything

Which for a long-long time I thought as my best work, written from a hospital bed in London after recovering from an unknown nearly fatal spleen problem.
God be praised for antibiotics, but darn the UK, run on a shoestring, health system for not getting them to me 2 weeks earlier. All the same, the following is a good adventure and was the first work to achieve 3 shooting stars.

06.75__M-Systems & Special Projects
A Love Story and Theory of Everything
30 Pages | 4,644 Words | 24th Nov 2017 to 25th March 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠


24th November 2017


The S-World Algorithm - Part 3

M-Systems becomes the third part of the S-World algorithm (set of rules/network/systems playbook).

From the 'M-Systems' dropdown menu on


Prequel 1: 06.82a__M-Systems and Special Projects | 9β˜… (2012 to 2017

Prequel 2: 06.82b__Angel Theory Books 1 to 3 - The Economic Theory of Everything | 7β˜… (Feb 2018)

Prequel 3: 06.82c__M-Systems and Angel City 5 - The Movie | 9β˜… (1st Aug 2017 - Sienna's Angel Birthday)


Part 1: 06.82d__Part 1. From M-theory to M-Systems 0 to 8 | 8β˜… (24th Nov 2017 - Sienna's Birthday)

Part 2: 06.82e__The S-World UCSβ„’ M-Systems | 9β˜… (24th Nov 2017 - Sienna's Birthday)

Part 3: 06.82f__An Ecological and Philanthropic Theory of Everything Plus Space | 8.5β˜… (24th Nov 2017)

β€œGrand Networks in Areas of Abject Poverty are Special Projects”

Part 4: 06.82g__Angel POP - Grand Networks in Areas of Abject Poverty are Special Projects | 8β˜… (Nov 2017)

Part 5: 06.82h__Angel Theory Paradigm Shift - Audacious Ideas - The Butterfly - The Obama's | 7β˜… (April 2018)

From the 'M-Systems' dropdown menu on

Quick View of M-Systems Web Pages:

Summary & Index
1. M-theory and the E-TOE
2. The Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings
3. The Network on a-String
4. Super-Coupling
5. Quantum-Time
6. Relative Equality
7. M-theory an Economic Science?

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


January to October 2018

A More Creative Capitalism for Bill Gates

S-World versus Classical Economics

"We can make market forces work better for the poor if we can develop a more creative capitalism."

From Bill Gates 2007 Harvard Commencement Speech
The S-World Platform - 10x Our Future

Going way back to 2009 or 2010, on a hike up Lions Head in Cape Town, a friend told me how instead of giving his billions to charity Bill Gates created a foundation to do charitable work more efficiently.
One or two years later in March 2011 and the original S-World business plan for Virgin Group had potential in the billions, or trillions if it could be adapted to every industry I created the 'Give Half Back' initiative, based on Bill and as I would learn Melinda’s story.
Give Half Back was simply that I would attempt to retain 50% of the equity and cash flow and use that money constructively, similar to how the Gates Foundation does. This had the advantage of making half the organization foundational and the other half capitalist without which there would be little money to do good with. Companies could follow Eugene Fama’s efficient market hypothesis but would still be doing good due to the money, that would have been mine to do with whatever I wished, being used 'constructively.' And if we look at the plans today that's not too far away from what is being proposed now, albeit more complexly. Note that a parallel idea was that we would do all we could to use the foundational work to provide good PR to the profit-making businesses, creating a film and media company (now know as S-World Film) to push that message.

At the time of first writing about Give Half Back in May 2011 as part of a presentation to Mark Zuckerberg my peers did not understand, so I wrote out this quick clarification; What exactly is it that you want to do? This ended with the following line which is still very true today; "Why am I doing this, well someone has to do the right thing at some point, and I made a promise to my daughter, and that I intend to keep it."

However I do now wish to keep something for myself, 0.001% of cash flow, automatically deducted by the network central bank, which may sound small, but I believe it to be worth just over a trillion US dollars discounted to today's value by 2080.

Getting back to 2018 when I came across Bill Gate's original Harvard commencement speech, I latched onto the four words; "A More Creative Capitalism" and this became the name of the new book which would incorporate classical economics and follow where possible Professor Hawking’s Good Model.

Below we find three different workings of the book.

07.61 Supereconomics – A More Creative Capitalism – Summary 96 Pages | 🌠
08.01 A More Create Capitalism – A Good Model (Physics Summary) 43 Pages | 🌠 🌠 🌠
08.44 A More Creative Capitalism – Super Economics – Book 251 Pages | 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠
A forerunner to Supereconomics Books I, II & III.

The longer book we see above is a general book featuring the most exciting ideas from the past interlaced with this and that quote or idea from economics. To call it raggedy and unpolished would be generous, the book was never completed as a single venture, instead, I pieced it together from many individual chapters. Nevertheless, the book served its purpose by doing enough for my own peace of mind on the question of compatibility with classic economics for me to put all other ventures on hold and work almost exclusively on Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’. This also ushered in the begging of 80 hour weeks to go with the already 360 days a year.
So were talking around 18,000 hours spent after this point on the underlying assumptions of Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ which eventually yielded Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

Returning to 2018:

Angel Theory Paradigm Shift >> becomes >> A More Creative Capitalism

Going Back to Hawking’s Good Model - Point 3

β€œA model is a good model if it:

3. Agrees with and explains all existing observations

As I mentioned earlier, I initially scored myself a zero on this point, and would need to learn classical economics to see if S-World's economics were or were not compatible with real-world economics. Fortunately, they were. The following are the books that were consumed on the journey. In order of their reading

Not all the books are primarily on economics, but all have economic or business incites that made the book worth reading. In dispersed between these books should be a dozen or so books on quantum mechanics and loop quantum gravity, which are an important part of the story which we will find in Part 10.

  1. Capital in the Twenty-First Century - By: Thomas Piketty
  2. Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics - By: Richard H. Thaler
  3. A Concise Guide to Macroeconomics - By: David A. Moss
  4. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine - By: Michael Lewis
  5. Nudge - By: Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein
  6. How Google Works - By: Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg
  7. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty - By: Abhijit V. Banerjee & Esther Duflo
  8. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty - By: Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson
  9. The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It - By: Paul Collier
  10. Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a Sane World Economy - By: Dani Rodrik
  11. End This Depression Now! - By: Paul Krugman
  12. The Plundered Planet: Why We Must - and How We Can - Manage Nature for Global Prosperity - By: Paul Collier
  13. Brexit: What the Hell Happens Now? - By: Ian Dunt
  14. Creating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress - By: Joseph E. Stiglitz
  15. The Future of Capitalism - By: Paul Collier
  16. Finance and the Good Society - By: Robert J Shiller (Not completed)
  17. The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age (Columbia Global Reports) - By: Tim Wu
  18. Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist - By: Kate Raworth
  19. Thinking in Systems: A Primer - By: Donella H. Meadows (Not Completed)
  20. Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis - By: Jared Diamond
  21. Presidents of War - By: Michael Beschloss
  22. The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World - By: Melinda Gates
  23. The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy - By: Michael Lewis
  24. On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal - By: Naomi Klein
  25. Measure What Matters: OKRs: The Simple Idea That Drives 10x Growth - By: John Doerr
  26. Zero to One - By: Peter Thiel
  27. Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Handbook of Silicon Valley's Bill Campbell - By: Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg & Alan Eagle
  28. The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers - By: Ben Horowitz
  29. Modern Monopolies: What It Takes to Dominate the 21st Century Economy - By: Nicholas L. Johnson , Alex Moazed
  30. Hello World: How to Be Human in the Age of the Machine - By: Hannah Fry
  31. What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture- By: Ben Horowitz
  32. Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos - By: M. Mitchel (not completed)
  33. The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and How to Build a Better Economy - By: Stephanie Kelton
  34. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need - By: Bill Gates
  35. How Boards Work: And How They Can Work Better in a Chaotic World - By: Dambisa Moyo

The most surprising part of this exercise was not the economics in the books agreeing or disagreeing with Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ or more broadly Supereconomics, but that they had nothing like Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ or Superecomics, save Keynes's income multiplier, and even Keynes's model is very basic, in keeping with someone who did not have access to modern computing modelling.

I came to terms with this fact by understanding that S-World is really all about the software and that it is the software design that is exceptional, and that without that software design the brilliant minds above would not have use for Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ if you can’t push Γ‰ past 85% there is little wonder in it, without the software and Tax Symmetry Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ is of little use to anyone.

We are now stepping back to the begging of my economics reading, and the breakthrough paper; Ripple Effects and Elephants for Paul G. Allen .

In the years up to and including 2018 Paul G. Allen - the co-founder of Microsoft loved The Seahawks, Space ventures, Elephants and solutions to problems that involve ripple effects, and I was in much the same place, except I knew little about The Seahawks.

Paul-G-Allen Paul-G-Allen

07.19__Ripple Effects and Elephants for Paul G. Allen
WEB: 07.62g__Ripple Effects and Elephants for Paul G. Allen | 9β˜… (30th-Jan-2018)
43 Pages | 8,203 Words | 30th January 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠

Ripple Effects & Elephants for Paul G Allen

Ripple Effects and Elephants

(Note that at the time I often called the book we know as A More Creative Capitalism "The GDP Game".)

Ripple Effects and Elephants shows how Special Projects in ecology, philanthropy and science emerge from the construction of a Grand Śpin Network. (A City).
Of the original 16 projects β€œRipple Effects and Elephants for Paul G. Allen” showed how they can be created as the internalities and externalities (the ripple effects) of creating a Grand Śpin Network (a city) in a third world country. Plus it added a handful of new Special Projects and after presents Special Project Enabler 1. The RES Equation.

In Ripple Effects and Elephants, the A-String B-string equation counts the internalities and externalities on each other from each other. Then the Susskind Boost and Peet Tent boost what is working and repair what is broken.

The big leap or simplification was in M-System 15. Angel POP, which jumped from; To invest in the US Grand Network one must also invest in an African Grand Network (Angel POP 2012) to; "Grand Networks in locations in extreme poverty are Special Projects.”(Angel POP 2018) Where after, MARS Resort 1 aside, until 2021 I exclusively focused on African opportunities, and in particular Malawi.

The value of the simple phrase "Grand Networks in locations in extreme poverty are Special Projects.” can't be underestimated, it really changed things, let me break it down.

The Ripple Effects and Elephants paper show’s that one can use the internalities of the process of building, maintaining and expanding a Grand Śpin Network in a 3rd World country, if sequenced correctly, would do all and far more than if that money was just given to aid agencies. From electricity to bread to water and security a Grand Śpin Network brings them all and in abundance. Thus "Grand Networks in locations in extreme poverty are Special Projects.” All the special projects are afforded or created from internalities from the Grand Śpin Network. And this realization started to focus more on the special projects until they were so important, they earned a book to themselves (Book 3. Sixty-Four Reasons Why) and a Technology - Technology 8, Net-Zero DCA Soft.

Later in 2018 alongside the grand Angel POP simplification, Book 3 and Technology 8 came the Histories process (of which we are mostly discussing History 3) and the 87 Quintillion Histories (best seen on the spreadsheet).

The histories process kinda started with blind faith in the process and a lot of luck.

I was already enamoured by the explanation of Feynman's Sum Over Histories and Renormalization in Hawking and Mlodinow’s The Grand Design and was experimenting with philosophical string theory and in particular a tongue twister from Professor Michael Green the Lucasian professor of mathematics at DAMTP Cambridge. His quote was;

β€œThe notion that this is the smallest constituent is paradoxically not at odds with the statement that it may also be the whole universe."

And in parallel, for my day job so to speak, I was working hard with my small team of developers and a copywriter on real-world Technologies 1. S-Webβ„’, 2.The TBSβ„’ (Total Business Systems) and 3. The Villa Secrets Network, and was writing the beginnings of the follow up to my 2017 book 'The Villa Secrets Secret' to be named; 'Villa Secrets - Specialize and Scale'

With the scene set, this is what happened.

S-World UCSβ„’ History 1

The Hawking-Green Equation; (Ŝ x Ο») x #β–‘ = Ρͺ.
So named as I was thinking about Professor Michael Green’s β€˜How Small is the Universe’ presentation about strings (that are extremely small, much smaller than an atom) being the thing that contains us all. Whilst listening to professors Hawking and Mlodinow’s; The Grand Design for the umpteenth time and suddenly I had a thought on how to calculate POP. (The first S-World mathematical model from in 2011 - more commonly known as M-System 5. POP, or specific to the image below The POP Train.)

The POP Train

VIDEO 7__Philosophic String Theory
The Green Symmetry

4 minutes 23 Seconds | 18th Feb 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Spreadsheet tab: Super Coupling 1.03 (History 1)

"This video was more fluke than design, just another thing I did not understand about string theory. But in making the spreadsheet tab β€˜Super Coupling 1.03 (Now known as History 1)’ as part of POP (Financial Gravity) applied to Technology 3. S-World Villa Secrets the profit was not exponential it was close to combinatorial.
This ends up with the smallest of the small, a not currently in existence S-World Villa Secrets business, multiplying in all industries until its network goes past 50% of global GDP in 2077.

Looking back on it, this was clearly the begging of the UCS History Process."

The whole idea of Villa Secrets - POP is that one follows the mandates plan, use the technology and by their 3rd year generate over $160,000 in profit and invests that profit in making a new company. If you run Cape then one could expand locally to specialize in Cape Town's famous suburb Camps Bay using this website or go continental with this website (Add Africa Website Link). Or in fact, any location if you first find the ideal partner to run the new company, which must be 50% owned by the new operational CEO and the new team, so maybe California is the next location, I’ve certainly been hoping it will be for a long time now.

So after the 3 years, the first company in the network will earn $160,000 and create one new company each year, and in turn, each newly formed company does the same (after 3 years they will create their own new company, and will do so each year thereafter.) To work in macro, we need to first extend to every location that sells a home for more than $5 million, of which there are about 300 prime opportunities and tens of thousands of secondary options. The second is to diversify into luxury travel accommodation in general, the third step is to diversify into luxury industries in general, then slowly diversify into lower-priced goods and services.

Note that Technologies 1 to 3. The S-World Platform, Technology 4. S-World Film, Technology 5. S-World VSNβ„’ (Virtual Social Network) and Technology 6. S-World UCSβ„’ will greatly assist this distribution, as we seek to either partner or ferociously compete with the USA MLS (Multiple Listing Service) by creating a vastly improved virtual product and in so doing potentially take a 0.5% to 1% commission from more than half the properties sold in the USA.

An MLS takeover or not, following the simple rules above, The Green Symmetry showed that mathematically by 2078 the network will have surpassed 50% of GDP
This was the inspiration for the Histories approach that I have used to make the Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ plan.

Continuing the PDF presentation:

07.61__Supereconomics – A More Creative Capitalism – Summary
96 Pages | 22,859 Words | 24th Apr to 26th Jun 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

Below we see the first dedicated Ε”Γ‰Εš paper, which starts with 4 short videos, then provides a description and some macroeconomic due diligence including the simple fact that we do not need to worry about inflation or currency appreciation or depreciation if we worked in US dollars (cash or treasuries), and not local currency (which in Malawi would be the Kwacha).

Note that there was a lot of work on Ε”Γ‰Εš at that time which can only be seen on the spreadsheet and complimentary videos.

07.81__ The S In The RES Equation
5 Pages | 1,780 Words | 19th June 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

07.82__S-World UCSβ„’ Hawthorne For Richard Thaler
34 Pages | 7,824 Words | 9th to 29th Jun 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

S-World UCSβ„’ Hawthorne sits on top of technology 2. The TBSβ„’ CC (Total Business Systems - Company Controller) and follows the idea that observation is a key driver to success, and gamifies the day to day, hour by hour, operations within a Villa Secrets company so that at the end of the day each member of staff has a score and the top 3 share the bonus, which is about 50% of the teams combined salary and commsions.


Next, we see an exercise in how the TBS-CC-Observer could be adapted to other industries, I made a version for a very different kind of organization - the UK government tax office HMRC.


We are now firmly in the land of behavioural science and we got there thanks to 2018 Nobel Prise winner Richard H. Thaler's books Nudge and Misbehaving. This project would have been sent to him back in 2018 if not for his humorous warning that he is lazy and so I thought I had better get all the bugs worked out before I approach him. Three years later and its now time to speak with Prof. Richard H.Thaler.


In his books Thaler identifies one of the biggest stumbling blocks in behavioural economics is a lack of testable real wold cash-rich transactional companies to do RCTs with. (Randomized Controle Trials)

S-Webβ„’ started in earnest in 2009 as a copy of our Experience Africa website for Sotheby's Cape Town in a commission sharing arrangement. If we could repeat this for all of Sotheby's Agents we would have 11,000 revenue sources. But the first website did not work and what with and American Butterfly it would take me until 2013 before we had a working prototype Cape Town Luxury Over the following years, CTLV evolved into Villa and the book The Villa Secrets Secret presented much of the software designs and the business plan that created the $160,000 a year after 3 years from which History 1 was created, that we heard of just now.

Cumming right up to date S-Webβ„’ has made 16 of the 1000 web platforms that I believe we should create before launching S-Web 2, bassed on S-Web 1 but programmed to work seamlessly with the 9 technologies that sit above it on the graphic we see below.


Technologies 1 to 3 have recently been groped as 1 system called The S-World Platform, with that said, they are all different and require different co-founders if for no other reason than to minimize antitrust attention. So for now let us class them as one, we already have the capacity to make 1000 versions of and my team and I have created by far the simplest way for those who run the new companies to quickly redesign and customize their websites, that is so efficient that it will be a major product feature appealing to all business types. We will have a video presenting this soon.

But this is just the beginning, as we need to work out many things via randomized control trials, for example, relative to the Cape Villas brand the website CTLV did better than expected - Was it the team? Was it the website? Was it fraud? If it was the website what was it that was performing above expectations and can we then apply that feature to the original Cape Villas website, its 16 duplicate sites and all future S-Webβ„’ websites. 11,000, we hope for Sotheby’s Realty agents and later, or maybe before, 1 million or more for Airbnb property managers looking to go pro or get into sales.

Personally, I think it's because CTLV did not have a homepage as such, it just went straight into the product pages (like search results pages). More evidence for this notion was detected when I pointed Cape Villas AdWords campaigns for Camps Bay searches to the Camps Bay search results page .
This defiantly seemed to work but then came the Cape Town water crisis and then CIVID so there have been no more opportunities to test.

What we can do now however is allow Richard Thaler to use the New CMS to make some websites with a classic home page and some that go straight to product pages, with a sample size of up to 1000 and a year's worth of data, millions of dollars on advertising. If there was a 70% skew to one style of homepage vs another then we apply that as the default for future sites and advise all of our results, and auto change all sites that don’t object. Leaving maybe 20% with the original style for future testing the same point. I think after a few years of research on this, including numerous different website designs, we will know one way or the other.

The process above is just one way to improve, the TBS design in 2017 had 90 ways to make money, save money or avoid landmines. And now in 2021, there would be 250 different ways to improve, and that’s S-Web and the TBS.

Alongside tests like this can be some purely behavioural economic tests for Richard Thalers own satisfaction. To rent a villa might cost $25,000, A Luxury Safari across Africa maybe $100,000 and properties sold go from $5million to billions of dollars in England, India and Cap Ferrat.
I am sure the results of Thaler's experiments will produce new previously not considered ways to improve, and ideally, as a part of UCS, all contributions should be monitored and pay the originators whenever they are utilized. This was created for UCS MMO but can apply more generally across the entire system.


07.83__ S-World BES (Behavioural Economic Systems)
25 Pages | 6,228 Words | 20th July 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

08.01__ A More Create Capitalism – A Good Model (Physics Summary)
43 Pages | 9,596 Words | 26th Jun to 28th Jul 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…


08.44__A More Creative Capitalism – Super Economics – Book
Good information poorly presented
251 Pages | 75,405 Words | 1st Aug to 20th Oct 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

08.35__An Edit of Straight Talk on Trade by Dani Rodrik
9 Pages | 2,325 Words | 31st August 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

The Rodrik Conjecture

With Ed Witten, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow

Of the books on economics I listened to Dani Rodrik's Straight Talk on Trade contained what I saw as a symmetry between it and Stephen Hawkings and Leonard Mlodinow's; The Grand Design. The story first developed in three works;
08.35__An Edit of Straight Talk on Trade by Dani Rodrik
08.72b__An Edit of The Grand Design by S. Hawking & L. Mlodinow
08.81__Ed Wittens M-Theory Elephant Analogy


To make the story more coherent I have added most of the above in a retrospective chapter

12.24__Ch8. The-Rodrik-Conjecture with Witten, Hawking and Mlodinow
46 Pages | 12,114 Words | 2nd July 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

The overall point of this exercise is to compare the differences between the two pillars of theoretical physics; General Reality and Quantum Mechanics against the differences between the economics of Fama (Efficient Markets Hypothesis) versus Shiller, Thaler and other anti-efficient markets economists.

Each of the chapters presented in The Grand Design discusses M-Theory which is a network of theories that are not fully unified, but where any two theories meet, they do agree.

We can see this and several other quantum incites in Chapters 1. Elegance, M-theory & Financial Gravity, 2. String Theory Systems and 3. A Quantum Theory of Economics on the longest A More Creative Capitalism book, followed by Chapter 4. The Ε”Γ‰Εš Equation. Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš-Financial-Engineering

Next came Angel Theory doc ID: 08.59__A More Creative Capitalism__Chapter 4. The RES Equation. The first comprehensive Ε”Γ‰Εš paper, which I sent by mail to 5 female economists at Oxford University.

This marks the begging of 2 years and 10 months dedicated to this conjecture. I still have a few print copies which I will send with a copy of Sixty-Four Reasons why as soon as I have an address.

08.59__A More Creative Capitalism__Chapter 4. The RES Equation
48 Pages | 14,844 Words | 23rd September to 19th October 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠
Print Version Available!

On the 2nd Nov 2018 this 45-page book was sent to Teodora Boneva and Xiaowen Lei, then on the 18th Nov 2018 to Anke Hoeffler, Janine Aron and Julia Bird (for the cover letters go to > Superecomics > The Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ Equation 2012 to 2020 > Correspondence.)
I did not get a reply, but then I did not follow up, and I'm sure all of the above were very busy.

The reason for the female-only cast was the case made by Melinda Gates in her book The Moment of Lift about the need to provide more females opportunities in the C-Suite and on the boards of companies. This idea then merged with the lessons learned in Poor Economics by Abhijit V. Banerjee & Esther Duflo and Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson in which I heard of the 100 million missing women, who had been starved, been aborted or murdered out of existence in the biggest case of genocide the world has ever known. In terms of dedicated special projects, I had been sitting on the fence on the 'female equal rights' issue but this changed after my reading. Later in part 9 Grand Śpin Networks we shall hear about the 'girls soccer leagues' initiative but in short, everything a score and point’s equal money, and the girls' games on average pay more than the boys, this is not just about soccer it’s about everything, but the soccer leagues are clever because they changed the economic dynamic that sees girls murdered and boys nurtured in rural villages because boys have historically gone on to make more money, but the girl's soccer leagues and so by extension all girls make more than boys. This will help with this problem.

Because of both the girl's leagues initiative and Melinda Gates’s book I thought I'd send the first 10 opportunities to a female-only cast. In part to make up for the large number of white European originated males in physics, maths and economics that save A.W. Peet, Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee and Dr James Gates had been an all-white male cast.

It would take 16 months for me to send the next presentation, and in this time the theory had progressed and the pitch took the form of a print version of SuEc book 3. Sixty-Four Reasons Why, again to a female Oxford economist Kate Raworth who's book Doughnut Economics I studied hard, my notes alone were 30,000 words on 106 pages, and we can see that study in the book.

Unfortunately my presentation was at the exact same time that Kate Raworth and team were recruiting for a web designer and communications officer, so after I did not get a reply to my email asking for their address I thought the best way to make contact was to present S-Webβ„’ and myself as the web designer, but when this idea was rejected, I could not get any answers to what Kate thought of the book I sent them, and I'm 99.9% sure Kate never saw it.

Each time I can't initiate a conversation it makes me double down on my presentation, and I did not send another communication for another 15 months, this time to Malinda Gates. I was not ready but as she was giving a talk to and I was invited to ask a question, I used this as an opportunity and write a summary of what was going on at that time, asking the question what would she do differently if her budget was trillions not billions?

But unfortunately fate intervened again as news of her and Bills divorce was made public and COVID travel restrictions forced Melinda to cancel her trip.
However, what I did take from that episode was the need for the web page you are reading or listening to now.

I don't mind saying that I was thrown by the Gates divorce, I feel for them and know how consuming divorce can be. I had been preparing to present to The Gates Foundation, and they are still close to the top of the shortlist but have been overtaken by Peter Thiel’s VC Founders Fund and the trio of women on their team page; Lauren Gross - Partner and Chief Operating Officer, Leigh Marie Braswell - Associate and Erin Gleason Lane - VP of Communications.
I'm going to count this as one opportunity sent, number 8 and the first prize would be for Erin Gleason Lane - VP of Communications, once given permission, to help me prepare for and send out communications 8, 9 and 10 to three of the following; Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Stephanie Kelton, Dambisa Moyo, Sheryl Sandberg and Kamala Harris.


Before we continue the PDF history let's see the link again for A More Creative Capitalism – Chapter 4 - The-RES-Equation

08.59__A More Creative Capitalism__Chapter 4. The RES Equation
48 Pages | 14,844 Words | 23rd September to 19th October 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠
Print Version Available!

08.81__Ed Wittens M-Theory Elephant Analogy
3 Pages | 314 Words | 31st August 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

08.72b__An Edit of The Grand Design by S. Hawking & L. Mlodinow
24 Pages | 9,211 Words | 6th October 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

09.29__46 Reasons Why – Growth Theory Externalities – The City
117 Pages | 30,972 Words | 7th Nov to 17th Dec 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

09.40__ Growth Theory, Climate Change and Charter Cities
27 Pages | 5,037 Words | 12th to 21st Nov 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Special Project 33

Growth Theory versus Climate Change


09.50__Growth Theory versus Climate Change
27 Pages | 5,037 Words | 24th Nov 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠


Growth Theory versus Climate Change was another milestone in S-World development, created on the fly after Paul Romer and William Nordhaus won the Nobel Prizes for Growth Theory in Economics on October 8th 2018 and the subsequent interviews and lectures that followed.

I was already well acquainted with Paul Romer after a passage in the book Poor Economics, on Charter Cities, which you can read on the following link or see later in Part 9. Grand Śpin Networks.

This was huge as it changed Paul Romer from a well-respected and liked economist who headed up the World Bank for some time to an Academic Superstar overnight and as such his work on Charter Cities would be seen by his peers as authoritative. And as such I could use it as the begging point for S-World Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ powered cities in both the 1st world and more importantly the 3rd World.

The 2nd economist to win the Nobel that year was William Nordhaus whose speciality was growth theory and climate change. So, I asked myself the question β€˜How on earth can growth be good for climate change?' and my answer was that at least, the entire city must be net-zero. This could be achieved if we had more money to burn than standard non-Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ developments, which we will.

In addition, for William Nordhaus, I had the idea for Carbon Traffic Lights, similar to the warnings you get on foods about fat content letting the public know which companies are green and how green they are. A badge of honour that green companies can add to their TV and other advertising programs

Tesla__Carbon-Traffic-Lights William-D-Nordhaus__1.05b Microsoft__Carbon-Traffic-Lights

I also considered β€˜The Elephant in the Room, climate change in third world countries, which burn coal because they can't afford any clean sources of energy, in this case, Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ comes to the rescue again, because the money supply is increased by as much as 3000% Grand Śpin Network (in locations of extreme poverty) can afford to power the city by solar, nuclear or other green energy. And it can also afford to buy the coal mines and leave them standing giving their employee’s new higher paid jobs in S-World.

Bill Gates says:

"Those of us who have done the most to cause this problem should help the rest of the world survive it,
we owe them that much.

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ and the Grand Śpin Networks plan is undoubtedly a step in the right direction.

In continuation we are momentary jumping out of date order to 2021 and Bill Gates new book

How To Avoid A Climate Disaster...


This book contained a tonne of useful and usable information, first lets here how climate change is split into 5 sectors;

Making things; cement steel plastics 31%
Plugging in; Electricity 27%
Growing things; plans, animals 19%
Getting around; plane’s trucks, cargo ships 16%
Keeping walk and cool; heating, cooling, refrigeration (7%)

I focused on what are called Green Premiums, the additional cost for materials if they are created without adding carbon to the atmosphere. Here are some examples

Green Premiums for plastics, steel, and cement

Ethylene (plastic) $1,000 1.3 tons $1,087–$1,155 9%–15%
Steel $750 1.8 tons $871–$964 16%–29%
Cement $125 1 ton $219–$300 75%–140%

In place of seeing a solution for every problem and every product, just increase the money supply

Next is a section from Bill's book about the expected growth in Cities in the 3rd world, which will double the worlds housing stock, and exasipate climate change, even more.

β€œThe global population is headed towards 10 billion by the end of the century, and much of this growth is happening in cities that are highly carbon-intensive. The speed of urban growth is mindboggling, by 2060 the worlds building stock, a measure that factors in the number of buildings and their size will double. That’s like putting up another New York City every month for 40 years, and it's mainly because of growth in developing countries like China, India and Nigeria."

Nick Ray Ball:
The simple bottom line is this, and I have this argument with my father from time to time so I know its sensitive, but if we take Bill Gates view as authoritative then we must accept that the 3rd world is going to build, as Bill says 'another New York City every month for 40 years' this will cause all sorts of problems, unless this great expansion is an S-World Grand Śpin Network expansion.

The following two paragraphs are very similar to two paragraphs in Peter Thiel’s Zero to One, to end this chapter we will hear both, first Peter Theil and then Bill Gates.

He we have two of the world’s greatest technologists singing the same song:

Peter Theil:

β€œMy own answer to the contrarian question is that most people think the future of the world will be defined by globalization, but the truth is that technology matters more.

Without technological change, if China doubles its energy production over the next two decades, it will also double its air pollution. If every one of India’s hundreds of millions of households were to live the way Americans already doβ€”using only today’s toolsβ€”the result would be environmentally catastrophic.

Spreading old ways to create wealth around the world will result in devastation, not riches. In a world of scarce resources, globalization without new technology is unsustainable.

Today our challenge is to both imagine and create the new technologies that can make the 21st century more peaceful and prosperous than the 20th.”

Bill Gates:

Continuing the converstion where Bill tells us about the massive expansion in Cities across the world "that’s like putting up another New York City every month for 40 years, and it's mainly because of growth in developing countries."

This is good news for every person whose life improves, but it's bad news for the climate we all live in. Consider that nearly 40 per cent of the world's emissions are produced by the richest 16 per cent of the population and that not counting emissions from products that are made someplace else but consumed in rich countries.

What will happen as more people live like the richest 16 per cent? Global energy demand will go up 50% by 2050. And if nothing else changes carbon emissions will go up by as nearly as much. Even if the rich world could magically get to zero today, the rest of the world would still be emitting more and more.

It would be immoral and impractical to try to stop people who were lower down on the economic ladder from climbing up, we can’t expect poor people to stay poor because rich countries emitted too many greenhouse gases. And even if we wanted to there would be no way to accomplish it. Instead, we need to make it possible for low-income people to climb the ladder without making climate change worse. We need to get to zero, producing even more energy than we do today but without adding any carbon to the atmosphere as soon as possible.”

To figure out how much this approach would cost we need just two data points; the amount of global emissions and the cost of absorbing emissions using DAC (Direct Air Capture). We already know the emissions number, it's 51 billion tonnes each year. As for the cost of removing a tonne of carbon from the air, that figure hasn't been firmly established but it’s at least $200 per tonne, with some innovation I think we can realistically expect it to get down to $100 per tonne so that’s the number I’ll use. That gives us the following equation; 51 billion tonnes per year x $100 per tonne equals 5.1 trillion dollars per year. That’s around 6% of the world economy. In many cases, it will be cheaper not to emit greenhouse gasses in the first place.

Nick Ray Ball:

Ok you've already heard me say it, in place of looking for 1000 solutions none of which are necessarily easy, we just need to increase the money supply and afford every single product inclusive of the green premium.

So roughly 6% of the global economy each year. Or instead, add 6% to the global economy a year, I really don’t see $6.1 trillion a year as out of reach and now were going to look at why in PART 8. Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’.

But before I do two more lines from Bill's book relevant to the title of this part A More Creative Capitalism;

According to the world bank, the world has lost more than half a million square miles of forest cover since 1990.

People cut down trees not because people are evil, they do it when the incentives to cut down trees are stronger than the incentives to leave them alone, so we need political and economic solutions including paying countries to maintain their forests.
Supereconomics - The Cure For Climate Change In Africa

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


January 2019

Clasical Economics Plus The Monopoly Equation:

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš
Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš - S-World-Angelwing - M-Systems 1 to 10

Ε avings + Ε”evenue x recycle Γ‰fficiency x Śpin

How Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ Generates US$ 1039 Trillion by 2080

Taking Malawi from Zero to One Percent of GDP
A Supereconomics Story

Click here for the longer version of this page.

Below we see a simple diagram of a bath tub in which the amount of water flowing into the bathtub is equal to the amount of water flowing out. (Note the out-flow at the bottom is 10x magnification.)


Next we see that if 90% of the water was recycled - the total amount water enjoyed by the bath increases from 80 to 152 Gallons.

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš-Financial-Engineering-v5__Donella-Meadows__Bathtub-in-Dynamic-Equilibrium__2.02__(5-Jul-21).jpg

Of course in this case the water would overfill and spill onto the floor, which is not desired.
But what if we exchange the water for money?

Next, we see the same situation but with money.
In 2024 a network of businesses has $6.32 billion in savings and revenue (Ε  & Ε”) of which 90% is spent on goods and services from other businesses or personnel in the same network.

Which at an 'Γ‰' (recycle-Γ‰fficiency) of 90% increases the cash flow as follows;
The initial $6.32 + the recyled $5.68 billion = $12 billion.

However for this exercise, for History 3 (the simulation we are analyzing), we report only the pre Śpin income, which when some other items are added and taken away equals $5,685,975,000.

We will see this figure appear as the first entry on the 2024 to 2080 History 3 cash flow statement presented shortly

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’__Bathroom-Graphic_1b-2024__(16th-Aug-2020)

Now we apply Śpin (Ś) to the 2025 figures . As before instead of spending the money once a year, we spend it twice creating $14.89 billion in cash flow. Plus, critically, $7.10 billion remains at the end of the year, and is transferred to 2026, this is called Šavings (Š) or sometimes The Law of Conservation of Revenue

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš__Bathroom-Graphic-3

The following year (2026) Śpin increases to 3, so we spend the money three times in a year creating $26.85 billion.
Note the figures are effected by aditional in and out flows and they wront tally without them. To see the additional 'in and out flows' go to: 11.11__S-RES__BASIC

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš__Financial-Engineering__Year3-2026__Bathroom-Graphic3__Śpin1+2+3__(13 Aug 2020)

The Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš Equation

High-Octane Financial Engineering

Pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis, domina.
(If you know how to use money, money is your slave; if you do not, money is your master)

History 3 - Malawi Network - 2024

Now let us look at this on the spreadsheet
To download the spreadsheet follow this link ; Download Spreadsheet 8.62b .
(You may find your anti virus warns you not to open this, you may ignoor this warning, or contact us and we can email it to you, either way the spreadsheet is important.)

Below we see The Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ Calculator in Year 1 (2024)
Revenue and Savings in red x 90% Γ‰ x Śpin 1 = $5.68 Billion (USD), which takes 365 days.

This $5.68 billion is divided as Ε€ (tenders) between 2,048 businesses who each receive an average of $2.77 million.
At the end of the year, the $5.68 billion in the networks central bank converts to Ε  (savings) to re-emerge as cash flow in 2025

History 3 - Malawi Network - 2025

Next, we see year 2 savings and revenue are $8.56 billion and Śpin 2 forces all the cash flow to be spent before 11th July 2025.

Γ‰ is now 91%, so 91% of the cash flow remains in the central bank, transferred from one network company to another, and another, in a process called The Sienna Equilibrium. (a next-generation spreadsheet for this is in progress.)
11.11__S-RES-BASIC__The-S-RES-Calculator__2025 On the 12th of July, the cash flow remaining in the bank, now $7.75 billion is again distributed to the now 4,096 companies averaging $3.63 million each, to be spent before the end of the year, again with an Γ‰ of 91%. At which point $7.09 billion remains in the network central bank and it converted to Ε  (savings) in 2026.

Essential to know, the businesses in the network use the Ten Technologies software to set prices and handle all but petty cash accounting. There is a massive amount of detail for this software.

History 3 - Malawi Network - 2032

Now we can really start to get a handle on the Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ process and see its magic.
Moving now to 2032, we see Γ‰ is now 99% (which may be higher than can be achieved, but with 8 years of practice, we would get close).
With an Γ‰ of 99%, the amount of cash flow lost to Γ‰ (spent on raw materials, goods and services from companies outside the network.) is minuscule. 11.11__S-RES-BASIC__The-S-RES-Calculator__2032 Note the Spend By Dates, the initial cash flow is spent in the first 42 days, the second Śpin is also 42 days then; 41, 41, 41, 40, 40, 39, 39 days. Eight Śpins generating $106 billion in cash flow, and about half that in GDP.
This figure is then halved because of the CFV (Cash Flow to GDP Variable) at 50% the CFV considers the GDP double-counting problem presented in David A. Moss's; A Concise Guide to Macroeconomics.
Like Einstein’s cosmological constant, this may seem unnecessary, but in the end game become necessary.

In this year, 2032, we are now dealing with 24,576 businesses in the network, each on average with 32 personnel creating 786,432 very high salary Jobs. (Before the many allocations the average wage plus bonus is about 80 times the average income of a Malawian. (when calculated using World Bank 2019 Malawi GDP per Capita as income.)

History 3 - Malawi Network - 2048

In 2048 we move Γ‰ to 99.5% - now the cash flow is circulating every 14.5 days.

History 3 - Malawi Network - 2080

I stop incresing Śpin at Śpin 32 in 2055, and we see Śpin 32 with an Γ‰ of 95.5% continue untill 2080 at which point cash flow is $8,204,082,483,521 and GDP is $4,102,041,241,761 in the year 2080. We will see this figure discounted later in this presenation.

What is
"Increasing The Money Supply?"

Click here for the original article.

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ History 3 - 2024 to 2080 - Discounted Cash Flow.

So far, we have shown the Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ powered Cash Flow in the years; 2024, 2025, 2032, 2048 and 2080.
Next, we work from the original spreadsheet tab: 'H3) Ε Γ‰Εš-v5 | S-World History 3b' which amongst other things gives us a cash flow figure each year from 2024 to 2080.
These 56 cash flow totals are then copied to spreadsheet tab: H3) Total Cash Flow & GDP After we add it all up and cash flow equals +/-$140 Trillion, but for this figure to have any meaning we need to discount it.

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’__History-3__2024-to-2080__Discounted__Cash__Flow__(9-Jul-21)

The discounting method I have used is simply to change the 4 growth variables at the top of the H3) Ε Γ‰Εš-v5 | S-World History 3b spreadsheet to Zero, which gives us a figure of $23,321,291,435,916.
Next, we apply the CFV of 50% making $11,660,645,717,958.
That is Malawi's discounted GDP from 2024 to 2080 as it climbs from zero to one percent of GDP.

Critically, History 3 only includes some token trade figures, so in terms of global expansion/implementation, it's a non-zero-sum-game, almost all of that GDP is made and then consumed in Malawi, Malawi is not competing with South Africa, Tanzania, or anywhere else. And because of this, the model could be repeated over and over in different locations, just so long as each location can find a persistent buyer for at least one suburb.

At the very least, we should try for another 24 countries in Africa, but ideally every country in Africa. Add to that 25 Grand Śpin Networks in US states and other countries in the Americas, 15 in Europe, 15 in Asia and 10 others including Australia and New Zealand, making 99 others Grand Śpin Networks.

So we multiply the Malawi figures by 100 giving us $1,166,064,571,795,800 ($1,166Trillion)

Below we can see precisely how many companies there will be in year 1 (2024). Stating with 2,048 companies in the year 2024 rising to 327,860 companies in 2080. We also see how much they each earn and how many Paid2Learn places they create. Note the figures are not discounted.

Click here for an analysis of the Companies, Ε€enders & Labour spreadsheet we see below (tab: H3) Jobs and Education 4) and a description of & Tax Symmetry.
Plus 14 different ways to increase cash flow, the Malawi Grand Śpin Network companies 64-cube and UK Butterfly companies 64-cube

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’__UCS-History-3__Number_of_Companies__Ε€enders__Labour_&_Paid2Learn

Part 2 – Determined Cash Flows

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

The idea here is that we now throw away all revenue except the sale of city suburbs and consider the buyer for a suburb. If they buy a suburb at $1 billion a year plus 5% PA escalation, for at least 16 years then that revenue multiplied by Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ creates determined cash flows, like we see below, made from spreadsheet tabs S-World History 3 βŒ‚ = 100% and Total Cash Flow & GDP βŒ‚ = 100%.

There are two different types of determined economics at play here, first is for the buyer of a Suburb, second is for all the businesses in the Suburb. Both are 'combinatorial' - meaning they can interact with each other and other technologies and become far more than the sum of their parts)

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’__UCS-History-3__2024-to-2080__Discounted_&_βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L__Determined__Cash-Flows

So in the model where the only revenue is the City Sale the 100 loctions avarage is slightly lower at $1,039,484,468,031,450 ($1,039 Trillion)

For the businesses in the City or it's suburb, their success is predetermined.

Because the cash flow from the City Sale is incresed by up to 30x by Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ and is then distributed as Ε€enders to the S-World businesses within. This income in all but the rarest of cases be sufficient to pay all bills, wages and bonuses.

Over the last 12 months, a lot of time has been devoted to making this system determined, and the following equation has been created for this purpose βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

The equation reads as follows;
βŒ‚ = The City/Suburb Sale
β‰₯ = Must make the same or more than
Γ‰ = recycle-Γ‰fficiency
L = Leakage

The City (βŒ‚) must make the same or more than (β‰₯) recycle-Γ‰fficiency (Γ‰) Leakage (L)

Which is easy enough if we get the software and the politics right

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

Thank you for Reading:

"$1039 Trillion BASIC"

Click here for some roughly written but all the same important Underlying Assumptions. Let us take a moment to understand the economics of Śpin.

New section needs completing that will discuss the case of TWF (The Window Factory - a hypothetical construction industry company) in 2025 Śpin 2 and 2055 Śpin 32. Labour is by far the easiest to explain/justify.
Labour receives 25% of cash flow...

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

In Jan 2019 RES became the central pillar of future S-World simulations, which are known as Histories, after Feynman's Sum over Histories. This saw the project renamed once more, this time from the book; A More Creative Capitalism to the four Supereconomics (SuEc) books:


Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’-Financial-Engineering--How-we-can-do-the-Most-Good 09.60__Ε”Γ‰Εš High Octane Financial Engineering & S-World UCS History 2
15 Pages | 4,622 Words | 17th Dec 2018 to 15th Jan 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

S-World UCSβ„’ History 2 Videos

VIDEO 25__Ε”Γ‰Εš-v4 - Manual Display - Ad Libbed
style="text-align:center ;">S-World UCSβ„’ History 2
27 mins 20 secs | 27th Dec 2018 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

This is my favourite RES video, it was loose and unscripted and shows a very powerful Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ which gets Malawi from zero to one percent of GDP and all that brings 29 years earlier in 2051, not 2080 (as seen in History 3). It battles 15 years of severe recessions and a depression in which all trade stops, but by following Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ the S-World Malawi network of businesses increases cash flow every year.

VIDEO 26__ Ε”Γ‰Εš-v4.24 - Manual Display - Scripted
S-World UCSβ„’ History 2
29 mins 29 secs | 10th Jan 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

Video Script: 09.60__SuEc.2__RES--High-Octane-Financial-Engineering__UCS-History-2__(17-Dec-2018-to-15-Jan-2019)
Here is another good UCS History 2 video, this time scripted (I was reading from a script).
Note the RRT (Reserve Rate Supply) is known to bankers as Fractional Reserve Lending.

VIDEO 27__The RRT and Ε”Γ‰Εš CMS-Controller Software Design Summary
S-World UCSβ„’ History 2
12 mins 57 secs | 13th Jan 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠
This important video is a continuation of History 2 videos 24, 25 and 26. It begins with an explanation of the RRT, known to bankers as Fractional Reserve Lending and goes on to present the CMS software design for the S-RES System.
After the RRT I present the CMS controller.

In making the History 2 videos and essays I saw a point where I was bound to get push back – the trade figures. Whilst given the money floating around one could expect good trade figures, one could not be certain of a single cent. So, I created a new UCS History – History 3 and removed all but a token trade figure.

History 3 is by far the most explored History, motly via spreadsheets and videos.

S-World UCS β„’ History 3 Videos
(Dec 2018 to March 2020)

09.91__Book 3. 64 Reasons Why – Complete-Book (UCS History 3)
404 Pages | 84,920 Words | 17th Dec 2018 to 15th Jan 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

S-World UCSβ„’ - Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ History 3

(The Cautious History)

VIDEO 32__Ε Γ‰Εš-v5 S-World History 3d – This Is How We Pay For It
S-World UCSβ„’ History 3
3 minutes 26 seconds | 24th March 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠
β€œHow can growth be good for climate change? Well, it can be good if it's Net-Zero. How can we afford to do this when others can't? This is the Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ calculator… This is how we do it, this is how we pay for it” Spot the mistake in the title, I realised that the LCΕ” (The Law of Conservation of Revenue) was critical and needed to be a variable in the equation and choose the word Savings as the variable, and added the accent for Ε avings but at first I went for Ε Γ‰Εš (Ε avings + recycle Γ‰fficiency x Śpin) before later re-adding the Ε”evenue to make the current Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš (Ε avings + Ε”evenue x recycle Γ‰fficiency x Śpin)

Video 34b__Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ + Supereconomics Book 3: 64 Reasons Why
For Kate Raworth
24 minutes 36 seconds 11th Jan 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠
This video starts with the new bathtub graphics inspired by Kate Raworth and Donella Meadows. It was this simplification that changed my mind to think that RES probably was mathematically ridged.

On video 34b, after the bathtub graphics we see the Malawi History 3 Spreadsheet tab H3) Total Cash Flow & GDP showing all income from 2024 to 2080. And after tab; H3) Ε Γ‰Εš-v5 | S-World History 3b, on which the S-RES Calculator starts in 2024 with 1 Śpin and an Γ‰ of 90%, then increases Śpin by 1 each year until it’s at 32 in 2055 where after Śpin sticks at 32 until the end of the simulation in 2080. In 2024 Γ‰ starts at 90%, it then increases by 1% each year to 97% in 2031, then jumps to 99% in 2032 and stays at 99% to till 2048 whereafter it stays at 99.5% until 2080.

Video 34e__Ε  Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ Supereconomics & The Special Project Allocations
For Kate Raworth
34 minutes 48 seconds | March 8th 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
A few months on and another History 3 video was made, in which we start with a good description of S-RES, but I suggest if one wanted to break my figures an Γ‰ of 99% may be hard to achieve. You can’t really comprehend the amount of software we need to make to see S-RES running smoothly. I conclude that S-RES is a monopoly equation.

At this point, after a year and a half of making videos and writing essays on Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ Financial Engineering I felt I had it, as unlikely as it was, when we consider the vast field economics, I believed it to be without a fault that I could not fix, like how Niels Bohr always found an answer to Einstein’s great assaults on his quantum mechanics.

With this faith in Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ and with book 3. 64 Reasons Why (THE WHY) well underway, it was time to start work on book 1. (THE WHAT), later named; The 10 Technologies.

In general Book 1 is everything technical between 2011 and 2021, aside from Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ (Book 2 - Technology 7) and Net-Zero DCA Soft (Book 3 - Technology 8).

Below we find a short book on THE WHAT, followed by a very long book on all three Supereconomics books: THE WHAT | THE HOW | THE WHY. Its a long book, but its mostly graphics, and sets out what we were starting with. If one has the time, it's a good read.

(Note - I added Supereconomics Book 4. "The Future" after reading Zero to One by Peter Thiel.) seen at; 10.98__SuEc.4__10x-Our-Future, 11.16__SuEc.4__10x-Our-Future--Book__A-Work-In-Progress )

09.99__The What | Villa Secrets | S-Web | TBS-Nudge-AI, CC, VSN, UCS
35 Pages | 6,833 Words | 21st Mar 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

In the early months of 2019 Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ became the central pillar of future S-World simulations, which are known as Histories, after Feynman's Sum over Histories. This saw the project renamed once more, this time from the book; A More Creative Capitalism to the four Supereconomics (SuEc) books:


10.26__S-World Stories Index – THE WHAT – THE-HOW – THE-WHY
481 Pages | 52,879 Words | 22nd Jun to 4th Nov 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

174 Pages | 7,919 Words | 1st Aug 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

10.50__ SuEc Book 3. 64 Reasons Why – Summary (UCS History 3)
149 Pages | 25,112 Words | 5th Sep 2019 to 24th Mar 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

64 Reasons Why

Index and Introduction
Part 1. Supereconomics Book 1; THE WHAT – (Special Projects Allocations 1 to 32)
Part 2. Supereconomics Book 2; THE HOWTHE HOW (Special Projects Allocations 33 to 64)
Part 3. THE HOW A Good Model & The Feynman Sum Over Histories
Part 4. Internalities and Net Zero DCA Soft.
Part 5a. Special Projects 1 to 33plus UN and SRC goals and internalities
Part 5b. Special Projects 34 to 71

Download/Read Book Summary as seen above: PDF 10.50
Download/Read Complete Book: PDF 09.91

10.54__Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš and 64 Reasons Why + (Antitrust) & (Villa Secrets)
125 Pages | 20,796 Words | 27th Sep 2019 to 7th Oct 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…

10.63__The Paul Romer Nobel Lectures
125 Pages | 20,796 Words | 27th Sep 2019 to 7th Oct 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

10.71__Graphic Version of Supereconomics Book 1. THE WHAT
(This book is the begging 290 pages of 10.26 but scores higher as it is specific to SuEc Book 1)
290 Pages | 20,406 Words | 4th Nov 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

10.98__SuEc Book 4. 10x Our Future – Zero To One & 64 Reasons Why
(Note that this book contains and presents many sections from Peter Theil's Zero to One)
218 Pages | 49,800 Words | 24th Mar to 28th Apr 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

10.99__The S-World Algorithm for Hannah Fry
26 Pages | 4,803 Words | 24th May to 6th Jun 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Below we see the link for 11.11__Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš BASIC, at just 4,117 Words Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš BASIC can be read in a dozen or so minutes.
This is the best Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš summary to date.
But it does not present work from Jul 2020 to August 2021
which gives us Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L. As we saw above.

11.11__Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš BASIC | S-World UCS History 3 – Malawi 2024 to 2080
12 Pages | 4,117 Words | 23rd Jul 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ and The City βŒ‚

July 2020 to August 2021

Whilst the date range of the PDFs presented here is from July 2020 to August 2021, the S-World City Plan dates back to 2011 on the raggedy, written in the spirit of the great physicist George Gamow in that he writes and writes and whilst on reflection 90% must be thrown away, within that last 10% there is often found gold. And in particular this page on which we see the following graphic.

New Sparta__City-of-Science

The idea back in 2011 was that we needed massive investment in technology and owning 1 of 16 suburbs in the City was a hedge on their investment.


Above we see the companies we thought were a good fit in 2011. Obviously, in hindsight, we cannot include McDonald's because the methane cows emit cause climate change, but Facebook, Microsoft and Google have emerged as the champions with newcomers Tesla, SpaceX becoming the biggest single contributors to the 2020 map.

It did not mean a whole lot back then, other than my and Mike my assistant's personal satisfaction, but the City was to be Net-Zero. 10 years later, Net-Zero is the world’s biggest buzzword and well-done people of the world for that.
So, let's fast forward those 10 years to the 2020 Malawi Malawi GŚN 64-Cube graphic created in SuEc Book 3. Sixty-Four Reasons Why - complete Book as part of Technology 8. Net-Zero DCA (Dynamic Comparative Advantage) Soft.


What we are looking at above are the 2048 companies from History 3 (See PART 8 Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’) in their first year, 2024. Each of the 64 cubes you see is 64 Ε€ender receiving companies, which may also be conglomerates of larger companies. Remember from the graphic that in 2024 each company earns $2,776,355, so to value one of the 64 cubes we mulipy $2,776,355 by 64 = $177,686,718.75.
As we look at the different cubes we see that Tesla occupy 8 cubes, or 9 if you include the Goveremnt Electonic Cars cube, plus SpaceX has 1 cube so potentailly 10 cubes for Elin Musk. Which recive Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ powered monopoly Ε€enders for 10 x $177,686,718.75 = $1,776,867,187.50, $1.777 billion in cash flow in 2024. Its worth taking a few sentances to explain the growth we see on the spreadsheet up to 2080 and lighly discuss the POP priciple (the champoion of New Sparta) Weve seen in Part 8 Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ above the Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’ History 3 - 2024 to 2080 - Discounted Cash Flow. spreadsheet (Make Anchor) Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’__UCS-History-3__Number_of_Companies__Ε€enders__Labour_&_Paid2Learn PART 2

First we need to remember the lessons learned in Part 6 MARS Resort One for Elon Musk - RES, The Suburb (City) Sale (βŒ‚) and Tax Symmetry


Next, we read a sample from the bookPoor Economics by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, we have linked to this sample twice already, there has been no single greater influence on S-World than this text.

Written in 2011, read by me in 2018, then later that year the subject of the article Paul Romer won the Nobel Prize for growth theory in economics. Then the following year, 2019, both Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee won the Nobel Prise for their work on development economics.

Private note that Paul Collier, Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson were probably in the running for this same award.

Poor-Economics__Esther-Duflo-and-Abhijit-Banerjee__1.01 Poor-Economics__Esther-Duflo-and-Abhijit-Banerjee__Nobel-in-Economics

The text follows:

Poor Economics

By Esther Duflo & Abhijit Banerjee

Winners of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics

About Paul Romer and Charter Cities.

β€œOne possible way to break the vicious cycle of bad institutions is to import change from the outside. Paul Romer, known for his pioneering work on economic growth a couple of decades ago, came up with what seems like a brilliant solution: If you cannot run your country, subcontract it to someone who can.

Still, running an entire country may be difficult. So he proposes starting with cities, small enough to be manageable but large enough to make a difference. Inspired by the example of Hong Kong, developed with great success by the British and then handed back to China, he developed the concept of β€œcharter cities.” Countries would hand over an empty strip of territory to a foreign power, who would then take the responsibility for developing a new city with good institutions. Starting from scratch, it is possible to establish a set of good ground rules (his examples range from traffic congestion charges to marginal cost pricing for electricity, and of course include legal protection of property rights). Because no one was forced to move there and all new arrivals are voluntaryβ€”the strip was empty to start withβ€”people would not have any reason to complain about the new rules.

One minor drawback with this scheme is that it is unclear that leaders in poorly run countries would willingly enter into an agreement of this sort. Moreover, even if they did, it is not clear they could find a buyer: Committing not to take over the strip of land once it is actually successful would be quite difficult. So some development experts go further. In his books The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It and Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places, Paul Collier, an Oxford University professor and former World Bank economist, argues that there are sixty β€œbasket case” countries (think Chad, Congo, and so forth) in which about 1 billion people live. These countries are stuck in a vicious circle of bad economic and bad political institutions, and it is the duty of the Western world to get them out, if necessary through military interventions. As an example of a successful intervention of this type, Collier cites British support for Sierra Leone’s fledgling effort at democratization.” Paul-Romer__2018-Nobel-Prize-in-Economics Paul-Collier__A-good-model-starts-from assumptions-that-simplify...

We heard from Paul Collier at the begging of this presentation, just before part 1.

The Future of Capitalism | Paul Collier

β€œA good model starts from assumptions that simplify, but are not surprising, yet reach surprising results. Ideally it crystallises something that thereafter seems obvious, but hitherto you had not realised.”

To begin I am going to show all the relevant PDFs. This will be out of sequence with the overall PDF library presentation, which continues in date order further down this page.

This is the point where I need to copy the LIBRARY ENTRY's from

11.16__Supereconomics Book IV: 10x Our Future (Work In Progress)
151 Pages | 27,189 Words | 9th Aug to 16th Sep 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 11.35__Supereconomics Book II: THE HOW | Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš | The-City | βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰ L
320 Pages | 72,011 Words | 12th Oct 2020 to 20th Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.37__S-RES Monopoly Equation for Erin Gleason Lane
11.11__SuEc.2__S-RES-BASIC + Cash Flow and Discounted GDP from 2024 to 2080 + Big Plans Must be Simple
23 Page | 5,379 Words | 2nd Nov 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

11.43__S-World Books for Founders Fund
The begging of the S-World Library
Now that the task of cataloguing all the S-World material is almost complete, I am extremely grateful for the exercise, which has been a revision of all work from 2011 onwards. I have re-learned a lot and with Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L - Determined Cash Flows, VSNβ„’ Construct, Tax Symmetry and on and on I have accomplished a lot as well.
Looking back at it, this document was at the very begging of the cataloging process that took 10 months to complete.
8 Pages | 1528 Words | 2nd Nov 2020 β˜…β˜…

11.51__Tax Symmetry - Elevator-Pitch (Net-Zero-DCA-Soft.)
2 Pages | 282 Words | 12nd Nov 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.52__SuEc. Book II. Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš & the City part 1: Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš (The Magic Beans)
Addendums | S-RES versus FLR (Fractional Reserve Lending) | Well Before Time Production | S-World VSN Construct | Determined Cash Flows (Determined Economics) | Nick Ray Diary

257 Pages | 68,315 Words | 15th Nov 2020 to 10th Apr 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 11.58__S-World VSN – Construction and Industry
16 Pages | 3,394 Words | 25th Dec 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

11.71__S-RES And The City – Part 2. Grand Śpin Networks
140 Pages | 33,642 Words | 21st Jan to 9th Apr 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

+ 11.77 - 12.14 - 10.63 - 12.02 - 11.94 - 11.51? - 10.54? - 7.83 - 9.91

Paul-Romer__A-Bachelor-of Science-in-Mathematics-and-Physics__1.02

The Simulation starts with two Cities, one of which we'll put aside for now as in the most recent versions of History 3: Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L, we don't count it.
With this aside we start in 2024 with one Grand Śpin Network (City), at $1 billion a year, increasing by 5% each year.

A second City starts in 2032 at $1,6 billion-plus 5% per year.

Supereconomics__From-the-M&B-string=(M⇔Bst)-to-Calculating-Internalities__1.01 A Third City is created in 2048, costing $3,4 billion per year, plus 5% each year.

There is no end to investment, as one suburb owner want's to pull out of future development, another will take their place. (given, of course, the money is as advertised).


In many cases, like Eduction, I would like to see a Grand Śpin Network split into 8 Suburbs, maybe; Yale, Stamford, Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Brown, Cambridge, Oxford.
Most have significant endowments, and all have astute managers and in particular, David F. Swensen would likely be fond of this business model. Most will ask if they can spend more, and I don't see why not.

11.16__Supereconomics Book IV: 10x Our Future (Work In Progress)
151 Pages | 27,189 Words | 9th Aug to 16th Sep 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Page 70 Part 1c Monopoly, by Peter Thiel From Zero to One Here I present some quotes from Peter on monopoly Page 72 Chapter 5 Monopoly From Theodore Roosevelt & Antitrust To Peter Thiel & Zero To One Page 77 The Monopoly Equation It’s Not That Complicated - For Paul Romer & Peter Thiel End At Page 85 Start the 10 Technologies at ??? about 87 The book strugles and is incomplete in places from page 97 to 110 The book Then start again with the 10 Technologies on page 132 (this is much better but I think some of the S-Web stuff might not be repeated) The Ten Technologies 5. S-World VSNβ„’ – Virtual Social Network Virtual Social and Business Network – The Foundation of S-World UCSβ„’

11.35__Supereconomics Book II: THE HOW | Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš | The-City | βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰ L
320 Pages | 72,011 Words | 12th Oct 2020 to 20th Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.38__Dear Erin Gleason Lane
1 Page | 392 Words | 2nd Nov 2020 β˜…β˜…

11.51__Tax Symmetry & S-World Net-Zero DCA Soft.
2 Pages | 238 Words | 12nd Nov 2020 β˜…β˜…

11.52__SuEc. Book II. Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš & the City part 1: Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš (The Magic Beans)
Addendums | S-RES versus FLR (Fractional Reserve Lending) | Well Before Time Production | S-World VSN Construct | Determined Cash Flows (Determined Economics) | Nick Ray Diary

257 Pages | 68,315 Words | 15th Nov 2020 to 10th Apr 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εšβ„’2021β€”βŒ‚β‰₯Γ‰L.

11.52b__ SuEc. Book II Ε -Ε”Γ‰Εš Let-us-call-it-Supereconomics
29 Pages | 6,137 Words | 15th Nov 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

11.55__Supereconomics Book III. 64 Reasons Why – BASIC
61 Pages | 9,726 Words | 24th Nov 2020 to 18th Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

11.58__S-World VSN – Construction and Industry
16 Pages | 3,394 Words | 25th Dec 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

11.65__MARS Resort 1 | 10x Our Future – BASIC
18 Pages | 2,916 Words | 25th Dec 2020 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

11.71__S-RES And The City – Part 2. Grand Śpin Networks
140 Pages | 33,642 Words | 21st Jan to 9th Apr 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

+ 11.77 - 12.14 - 10.63 - 12.02 - 11.94 - 11.51? - 10.54? - 7.83 - 9.91 Add UK Cube

Jump to part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


The 10 Technologies

Most Recent Works - The Frontier
February to August 2021

To introduce the most recent papers essays and books we will start with the last 102 entries on
the document that records all essay titles: Index – All M-Systems Research. Starting at ID:11.32 then listing 100 titles before arriving at 12.34 which brings us up to 31st July 2021.

Below we see the two bookends, don’t think that two baby starts are bad, it just indicates that the document is short.
To use a different scale where we seek Wow Factor short essay 11.51 could score a full 3 shooting stars.
And as this is my first approach to capital 11.38 Dear Erin Gleason Lane is important as well, although the new approach is better, so only 2 stars
I will drop in the link when it's completed.

Erin is the VP of communications at Silicon Valley-based Founders Fund, the VC started by the co-founder of PayPal and Palantir Technologies is used by The FBI, The NSA, Homeland Security, Special Fourses and many other sensitive projects.

The truth of the mater is no matter how comprehensive the Ten Technologies are, we score a zero on security, in fact, less than zero.

Palantir-and-Peter-Thiel Palantir__LOGO Palantir-and-Peter-Thiel

So when it turned out that Peter Theil, who was already under observation as one of the S-World co-founders had this seemingly comnplimentory systems, it made sense to start to build the technologies with Palantir and consider the Palantir Platform for Technology 10 S-World Angelwing, the AI responsible for creating the biggest Combinatorial Explosion from the founding 9 technologies.

Note that The 10 Technologies are a simpler version of S-World Angelwing’s M-Systems 2016 to 2019
And going back further M-Systems are a reworking of the original 'Spiritually Inspired Software' The PQS - Predictive Quantum Software from American Butterfly Book 2. Spiritually Inspired Software

Jan 2021: The 10 Technologies
The-10-Technologies__LOGOS__(30th Oct 2020) 11.77__S-Webβ„’ Special Project 1 – Villa Secrets and Experience Africa
22 Pages | 3,313 Words | 5th Sep 2019 to 1st Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠

11.78__Technologies 1 to 6 – BASIC (1088 Words)
8 Pages | 1,088 Words | 31st Dec 2020 to 1st Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

11.79__Technologies 1 to 6 – S-Web and S-World Villa Secrets
22 Pages | 2,549 Words | 31st Dec 2020 to 1st Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.88__10T for Bill and Melinda Gates (1907 Words) A Work In Progress
11 Pages | 1,907 Words | 18th Feb 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.90__SuEc Books 1 to 3 – Plus: The History and Histories (Book)
277 Pages | 43,030 Words | 25th Feb to 10th April β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠

11.90b__S-World – The History and Histories (2011 to 2018)
128 Pages | 20,912 Words | 25th Feb to 10th April β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 🌠

11.92__Books 1 to 3 – Summary Introduction__BASIC (1531 Words)
8 Pages | 1,531 Words | 6th March 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

11.91__The Grand Design –Significant Chapters
16 Pages | 3,735 Words | 8-May-2016_to_3rd March β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.91a__The Grand Design__Ch3. A-Good-Model__S-World-UCS-M-Systems
22 Pages | 5,411 Words | 8th May 2016 to 7th Jul 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.91a__The Grand Design__Ch3. A-Good-Model__S-World-UCS-M-Systems
22 Pages | 5,411 Words | 8th May 2016 to 7th Jul 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.91b__The Grand Design__Ch4. Alternate-Histories __As-If--Quantized
6 Pages | 1,604 Words | 8th May 2016 to 3rd March β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

11.91c__The-Grand-Design__Ch5. TOE_&_Feynman__Renormalization
6 Pages | 1,408 Words | 8th May 2016 to 3rd March β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

9 Pages | 2,200 Words | 8-May-2016_to_7th-Jul-2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠

11.94__The 10x Forecasts and the Combinatorial Explosion__BASIC
15 Pages | 2,685 Words | 29th March β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

11.96__Videos: April 2017 to 8th March 2021
20 Pages | 4,217 Words | April 2017 to 8th March 2021 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 🌠 🌠 πŸŒ